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We all got to Altania. Everyone was here. The Elliot twins, The Lunar pack, The Moonshire pack, The Moon dawn pack, The Crystal moon pack, Arsenius, Linus, and the animal kindom, Ally and Kira, Kira's boyfriend the nature nymph warrior and his army, the Henderson's, Rodrick, Haven and his family, Niall's family and all of the Rogers. We waited in the field for Vilmork and his army. "their here, Minara whispered. "I took a big wiff and smelled the horribly strong stench of Vilmork. They were finally into view. Their army was big, about the size of ours. All of them had that big red and black armor on, including Vilmork and his brother, Norash the king of Alitania. We all stood their quietly. I looked at Minara and grabbed her hand, "you ready?" She noded her head teary eyed. "FOR ALITANIA!!!"

~ Minara's pov~

We stormed off towards Vilmork, I heard the cracking of bones and wolf howls. I saw alpha Chris shape shift into a huge black wolf. And the rest of the pack as well. My aim was going for Norash, the bastard that caused so much pain to Alitania. But a soldier got in my way he went for a punch but missed. I through a high kick to his face he clumsily fell but stood up quickly. I went for a punch but missed. He grabbed my wrist I was gonna try to punch him again but he got my other wrist. I struggled to get of his grip until I saw Niall, he jumped behind him and *CRACK* snapped his neck. "thanks," he noded. And ran off to help someone else. I looked around for Norash but couldn't find him so I moved on.

~ Charlie's pov~

"I don't think so bitch!" I punched a soldier hard in the face, he knocked out. I looked to my left and saw Meg fighting a soldier I pulled him back and threw him with telekenisis and got the gun in his back pocket and brought it over to me. Meg looked at me and smiled. I gave a smile back. I shot the knocked out soldier and killed him. When i turned back around all I saw was a big blurr. I got up from the floor and saw a soldier. I tried punching him but missed and he striked back. I fell and he pulled out his gun but was tackled to the floor I tried to see what caused the soldier to fall and there, was Linus and I've never saw this side of him. He had vicious fangs out and was gnawing of the soldiers neck. Killing him instantly. I saw a lot of dead soldiers on the floor and a few animals and werewolves. Thank god I didn't see any relatives.

~ Aqua's pov~

I was killing soldiers by the minute with Jake a few feet away. I was punched in the face spitting up some blood from a broken lip, but that didn't stop me I loved the adrenaline. I punched the soldier hard back. I was gonna go in for another punch but my arm was held back. I looked behind me and saw another soldier, he was holding my arm. The soldier punched my gut a million times, hard. I could hardly breathe then I felt a vibration on the floor. I knew who that was, I looked over to Jake and saw a GINORMOUS DRAGON. Probably the size of a skyscraper. His body was red and green his tail was about 20 feet long. The soldiers stopped punching me when they saw the huge dragon walk towards them they began to run away. With a loud roar and a deep breath jake let out fire from his mouth. I ducked trying to avoid the fire, and getting burned. His loud roar screeched my ears and all the soldiers in view got burned to death. Jake transformed back into a human and ran over to me. His body tempature was burning and his eyes were a dark orange color in a serpent way. "are you okay." He said in a husky voice helping me up. "I am now." I kissed him and smiled.

~ Erin's pov~

All of my life my dad has looked down on me. Making me feel bad about myself. But now was the time to prove him wrong. I ran towards one of the soldiers at full speed and tackled him to the ground, taking his helmet off and punching him non-stop. I took out all my anger on him. I pulled the gun out of his pocket. "who's the weak one now." And blew his brains out. Now thats how it's done. I went around shooting people with the soldiers electrocution bullets. Until I felt a stinging pain in my left arm. I looked and I was gushing out blood. I fell to the ground. I looked around to see the cause for this and saw a soldier. He was walking up to me and quick. He lifted me up by my shirt. But dropped me when he got kicked in the dick. He fell on his knees and behind him I saw Meg. She pulled of his helmet, and socked him in the jaw. She pulled out a dagger from her back pocket and stabbed the soldier. She ran towards me. "Erin, oh my god, you're bleeding!" The stinging pain was real. "i'm fine, really I'm fine." Meg took off her jacket and wrapped it around my arm. "c'mon, we can't waste time, they need our help." I stood up weakly, but I wasn't going to let my family down. "Erin?" Meg said helping me up. "yeah?" I looked at her. "you really have proven all of us wrong." She smiled. And I smiled back.

~ Haven's pov~

The sword was heavy but it only made me stronger. I sliced and cut. Killing one by one. Rodrick stayed by my side the whole tine for in case I needed help. I had such a grudge on these soldiers. They treated me like shit when I was with them in the sorority house. And I was killing at a fast pace. "damn Haven, you kill people often?!" Rodrick yelled at me beating up guards. I looked at him and laughed I was to busy laughing with Rodrick that I never noticed my leg was bleeding. "ouch! Fuck!" I fell to the floor. Lifting the armor from my leg. Rodrick ran towards me. "shit! What do I do, what do I do, what do I do," he repeated to himself quietly. My leg was pounding with pain and I began to freak out. My breathing became uneven and I began to hyperventalate. "Haven! Haven! Calm down!" Everything started to become blurr. "ASH!" I heard Rodrick yell faintly. He looked back down at me. "she's gonna faint." And that was the last thing I remember.

~ Ash's pov~

"ASH!" I heard someone call me. I looked over and saw Rodrick with Haven unconscious in his arms. I ran as fast as I could. I got on my knees and held Haven in my arms. Her lips were pale white. "Haven! Haven wake up!" I slapped her face sofly. Rodrick ran up to a dead soldier and began to rip his armor off. "what are you doing?" I said worried. "getting fabric, to wrap around her leg before she bleeds to death." He said ripping the shirt off of the soldier. He ran back to Haven and wrapped the shirt tightly around her leg. "I'll stay with her, you go fight." "but-" "go Ash, they need you." I noded.

~ Charlie's pov~

The war is almost over. Most soldiers died and just a couple are left. It kills me to see that so many werewolves from Chris's pack died. Including the beta Adam, yeah I saw his lifeless body laying on the ground with Chris crying over it. Ally also died. Kira went on a rampage when she saw her mother was dead. Thank god no one from my family has died. I was kicking ass killing soldiers left and right. And then I saw Arsenius. "ARSENIUS!" I ran over to him and saw him gushing blood from his gut.

Ch-Charlie, if I don't live to see the next day, tell Linus that I give my throne as Guardian of the animal kingdom to him. Farewell.

I noded Sobbing. Then I felt his last breathe and heard his last heart beat and his head fell back. "goodbye old friend." I sniffed and closed his eyes. I was furious I was ready to find Vilmork and kill him. I ran around looking for him and I saw him fighting one of the warrior nymphs, and he killed the nymph. "VILMORK!" I yelled at him making him turn around. I punched him with all of my mite. He almost fell, but didn't. He smiled evily. "heh, you got some real nerve kid." He said wiping his mouth with his hand. "shut the fuck up you abusive bastard!" I grabbed the sword from the nymph that Vilmork killed. I went to go strike his neck but he blocked it. We stayed like that for minutes. He was starting to get tired and so was I. I ended it by using telekenisis on a near by stone and throwing it at him. He dropped his sword and put his hands up in surrender. "I'm suprised, I never thought you would get this far." He smirked. "well theirs a lot of surprises you haven't seen from me yet." He noded. "well me either." I felt an aching pain in my chest. I looked down and saw a dagger. That's when I knew he used telekinesis on a near by dagger. He walked up to me and twisted the dagger in my chest. It made it impossible for me to breathe. "so sad to see that your father will die without a son, and Minara, to die without a mate." He pulled the dagger out and walked away. So this was the end.

~ Minara's pov~

I wasn't so scared anymore. Alitania was finally gonna have it's freedom. Then suddenly I felt a stinging pain in my chest. I put my hand in my chest. "damn," i whispered to myself I looked up and saw Charlie. He was bleeding from his chest. "CHARLIE!" I ran like the speed of light. I got on my knees and elivated his head on my arms. "god no why!" I cried and cried endlessly. My worst nightmare had come true. He opened his eyes and breathed from his mouth softly with blood dripping down the side. I put my hand over his wound and tried healing it but it wouldn't work. Why! Oh no, the poshion. "Charlie! The poshion wore out! I can't heal you! I-I" he put his finger on my lip "shh" He put his hand on my cheek and caressed it softly. I kept crying and sobbing. "I've loved you since the day we met, and I still love you till this day. I might not make it. But know that if i die, I'll still be loving you from beyond the grave." He said weakly and smiled. I cried and cried harder. "NO YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME!" I yelled at him. "I love you Minara Vestor and always will." He said quietly. His hand dropped from my cheek and his skin went cold. "CHARLIE NO! NO!" I cried over his lifeless body. "Charlie, please, please I love you." I whispered quietly. Before kissing his lips. And i never even had the chance to tell him, he was going to be a father.

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