Chapter 29

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     Time is ticking by the second and we still don't know how were gonna have an army in about 28 days. Sam, Ron, Min and I are all working together on this war. "The Lunar pack!" Minara yelled out. Sam and Ron looked confused but that was a brilliant idea. "yes! The Lunar pack! the day that Minara and i went missing was because we were in a werewolf pack house, they can help us!" Everyone agreed. "that's perfect." Ron said. "but i don't think a pack of werewolves will be enough. Were going to have to find everyone who will help us battle." I stated. "first lets get to alpha Chris." Minara said.

     The last time we came, we came from the..West side! "Minara lets head to the West! We ran as fast as we could we got there in about 3 minutes. The house outside was really big and white. I never realized it was right in the middle of the forest though, well they do have to keep covered.

     We stepped onto the front porch. "what if they don't remember us." Minara looked at me with 'are you serious face' "Charlie the last time we saw Chris was like 3 weeks ago. Plus their dogs they remember you by your smell not really appearance" i trusted her words so i knocked. *DUN DUN DUN* the door opened. "what do you want?" A guy with spikey auburn hair and grey eyes said. With another dude next to him that had blonde hair and blue eyes. "we need to speak to alpha Chris." Minara demanded. "yeah i don't think so cutie, he's busy." Rage began to fuel me. How dare he talk to her with attitude while calling her "cute". "don't call me 'cutie' im not your pet. So then where is the beta Adam?" They looked at her with a 'who do you think you are face' "i don't think he's gonna want to see a bit-" oh i swear if he said it i would, oh my god i don't even want to tell you. "hey what's going on here? Oh man look who it is Charlie and Minara! Come on in guys!" The guy with auburn hair looked at Adam like he wanted to beat him up. "what the fuck Adam?" He said. Adam looked at him with a death glare and the dude backed up and went upsairs with the blonde boy. "excuse them." Adam said going to the kitchen. "who are they?" Minara asked Adam came back with two cups of water and placed them infront of us. "their our higher trained wolves so they think their the best. The guy with blonde hair is Richard and the guy with auburn hair is Michael." Michael eww. "I hate that guy." I said under my breath. "don't worry i don't like him that much either, he's a dick. But i feel bad for the kid his old pack got wiped by some guy. His pack was good friends with ours so we brought him and his younger sister Alice into the pack." By a guy? "what was the guys name?" Minara asked right away. "uh i don't know you would have to ask the alpha he scared the guy away before he could kill Michael and his sister." Adam replied sitting across from us in the couch. Me and Minara looked at each other hoping it wasn't the person we thought it was. "we need to speak with Chris, its an emergency." Adam noded in understanding and stood up and went upstairs.

     Me and Minara stayed quiet. "Charlie do you think it was-" "i hope not, i really do." Chris, Adam, Juliet and a woman walked down. She was blonde and tan skinned  She was crying. "hello guys this is my wife Christina." Chris said. She waved sadly and went down the hallway. "is she alright?"  Minara asked. "yeah its just her sister was in the midnight pack, the pack a man and some other men killed off." "sorry for your loss" i announced. He noded and continued. "so what brings you two here?" Me and Minara looked at each other i noded for her to speak. "we think we know who killed off the midnight pack." He stood up. "you do?! Who is it." Minara sighed before speaking. "we think its this guy named Vilmork." They all looked puzzeled. "he's an Alitanian, and we came to ask you something but i would prefer doing it with your whole pack." He noded "follow me" he walked us down the hallway Alice walkded into. We stopped in two big wooden doors he opened it to show a huge room with seats all lined up. A huge stage right in the middle with a microphone. "this is where we have pack meetings" Chris said. "I'll call in the pack." Adam said.

     After 5 minutes the room was full of people, i mean alot. Chris walked up on stage. "now we all know what happened to our good friends in the midnight pack, so we have some visitors who will explain the details.." He signaled us to come up on stage, not so lucky for me i had stage fright.

     "hello my name is Minara and this is my boyfriend Charlie. We're Alitanians." You could here the crowd chatter quietly to themselves instantly. Minara cleared her throat to get there attention, which it did. "now, i don't know if you guys know much about us but we live in Mars. We have a very bad ruler named Norash that thought that it would be better if he could get control of all planets, including earth." The crowd.began to chatter again. "Why would the sun god create another living thing on a different planet?!" Someone yelled out. "that's the thing we're not children of the sun god, we're children of the moon goddess. So she created dangerous creatures to destroy all of the sun gods creations including you guys, But not all of us are bad. We're forced to by the king and his brother Vilmork." I was learning so many things about Alitanians i didn't even know was possible. "this is what i wanted to talk to you guys about. Vilmork is very dangerous. He'll do anything in his will to get what he wants, even to kill innocent people. Now we think he killed the midnight pack because the midnight pack refused to do as he said. Chris do you know what he wanted?" He shook his head. " i know." Someone in the front row said, Michael "he wanted us to join him, in a battle i think." "He's getting prepared." I said worried. "we're getting prepared too." She smiled. She spoke back into the microphone "yes he is going to battle in a war..with us." Everyone started chattering once more. "we are going to battle for the freedom of Alitania and bring justice to our kingdom! Will you join me!" Everyone stood up out of their seats and began to clap and cheer. Vilmork was going to get one heck of a war.

     When Minara and I got off the stage everyone congratulated what we were doing and we were brave to fight for justice. Minara was shaking hands with people until she saw Chris. "Chris! How big is your pack?" He stopped to think. "we're not that big of a pack we only have about..100 pack members but i could speak to other packs to help in war." She smiled. "that's perfect! Thank you!" He noded. *ring ring ring* Sam called my phone.


Hey Charlie get over here! We found some people that can help us in the battle!

Alright we're on our way, oh and alpha Chris agreed to help us and he's gonna call some extra packs!

Oh that's great! Now get your little booty over here and quick!

On my way.

     Me and Minara said our goodbyes to the Lunar pack and we left.

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