Chapter 17

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     ~ Minara's pov~

     It was night and me and Charlie were in the forest. I followed him out here since he said he heard a noise. "Charlie! Charlie!" Where is he? "Charlie where are you?!" It was all silent. "AHH!" A scream of terror broke the silence. Oh no..

     "Charlie!" I kept yelling his name out but all i would here is the terrible screams that ached me so much. "AHHH!" The screams continued. I was so terrified. My eyes started watering which didn't make it any easier for me to see since it was already night. "Charlie please awnser me!" I ran like a lost animal in the big city. Until..

     "CHARLIE NOOO!!!" I fell down to my knees crying for what felt like years as i saw Charlie's lifeless body on the ground with a knife being held to his chest by Vilmork. Charlie turned around to face me  "this is all your fault." Was all he said. I started to cry in even more pain at his words, since it was true. "The torture has just begun." Vilmork said. He had so much evil in his eyes. He began to laugh evily. My sobbing was uncontrollable i thought this would never end.

     "Wake up! Minara! Minara!"  I woke up to see Charlie shaking me. "Charlie you're alive!" I sat up and gave him a huge hug. "why wouldn't i be?" He said out of breath from my hug. I started to cry from the thought of Charlie..dead. "i-i had a nightmare, that-that you..died." Well that was difficult to say. His face look puzzled but ignored it by bringing me into a hug. "shh shh shh now, tell me what happened. I really didn't want to tell him Vilmork was the one behind all of this. "it was Vilmork...he, killed you in the dream" i said slowly not wanting it to come out. I noticed he stiffened up and his breathing got heavy. He stopped hugging me and turned around to the edge of the bed. " I don't know who this Vilmork guy is but I've had it with him." he put his head in his hands and i put my had on his fore arm to calm him down. "He made my father run away from us, he's trying to kill my girlfriend-"  i interrupted his sentence. "Charlie its fine, it was only a drea-" i said to him. Now he interrupted my sentence. He stood up and turned around to face me he was angry. His sky blue eyes were now dark and cloudy. "No it not fine. He's trying to kill you Minara, and me as well." He let out a breath i didnt realize he was holding. "We're training tomorrow" "but-" he glared back at me. "we're training tomorrow and that's final."  without a word he went to the bathroom and locked himself up. I didn't want to argue so i just went back to sleep.

     ~ Charlie's pov~

     I have been in the bathroom for about 20 minutes now. But the time didn't matter to me. I was worried about Vilmork and what could happen to Minara. Vilmork. His name already carried so much hatred and pain. But why was he doing this to us. Why couldn't he just leave Minara alone. He was gonna try and lay a finger on her? I don't think so. Over my dead body. Which I'm sure wouldn't be a problem for him since he wanted me dead as well. If he wanted war he was gonna get it. I didn't want to treat Minara so harshly, but if that's what it takes to keep her safe. Then I'll do it.

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