Chapter 51

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     ~ Minara's pov~

     Right now it was about 3:09 am and Aries, Erin and I were packing up to go to New Orleans. I was in my room packing my clothing in a small book bag since the trip was only like 7 hours long. "here i'll help you." Charlie said packing some books and stuff in the bag. "I don't undersrand why this Jake guy can't be with Aqua?" I asked. Charlie just shrugged his shoulders. "like what did the Henderson's do to cause Aries's mom so much pain?" I looked at Charlie. "who knows baby, maybe the Henderson's are bad people." He replied. "i don't know, he can't be that bad if he loves Aqua." Once again he shrugged his shoulders. Well while he didn't care. I was bound to find out why.

     I heard a knocking on the door and Aries came in. "Min you ready?" Aries said with a smile. I noded and before walking out Charlie grabbed my wrist and spun me around. "aren't you forgetting something?" He brought me in close and kissed me goodbye. "text me when you get there, okay?" I kissed him again. "alright!" We walked outside and said our goodbyes to the family. "remember to text me!" Charlie yelled out as i was getting in the van. "okay, Charlie!" I yelled back. "I love you!" He yelled out as we drove away.

     We were in the car for hours. "when are we gonna get there!?" Erin started complaining. "we're like right around the corner." Aries replied. " my butt is gonna get numb if i stay seated any longer!" Aries rolled her eyes at her cousin. "we're about to get to the skate park." She said with a smile. "what?!" Erin and I said in unison. "chill guys, he's at the skate park every wednesday." She asured us. "ohh." We repeated again. "here we are!" Aries parked the busted up van that Rubin, ly and lepus's mom lend us for these type of situations. "so you know if he's here for sure?"  I asked. "duh?! Why else would i come here?!" She ran to the skate park with us on her tail. She gasped "there he is! Jake! Jake!" I looked to where she was pointing and i saw the boy with black gages and viper peircings on his lip and he had red hair (natural) and it was styled like how justin beiber has it. He had tatoos all over his body from hands to neck. His legs had one or two tattoos. He was wearing a black loose tank top and some cargo army shorts with some red beat up vans and a black beanie. He was riding his skate board and he was pretty good at it.

     "Jake!" Aries yelled out again. "Aries hey! what's up?! Ey where's your sister?" He started looking around for his mate but didn't find her. " that's the thing, we need your help.." He noded. "anything."

     ~ Charlie's pov~

     It was about 5:00pm and Minara texted me saying that her and my cousins should be back with that jake kid any minute. *cough cough* Aqua was coughing non-stop. "don't worry sweety their on their way. Oh god she's getting a fever. She'll pass out any second." Aqua's mom whispered the last part lowly. Damn, Minara where are you.

     ~ Minara's pov~

     "So your saying my mate was, locked up in a prison for almost 3 days?" Aries noded. "she told us she was gonna visit a friend in the town." I was sitting next to Jake and i noticed he began to breathe heavily. "uhh Aries?" Erin said nervously. "I think he's gonna explode?!" She turned around to look back at him and his exhales were actually, steam? "oh no, you are not gonna destroy this van." Aries said calmy. I guess she was use to this. She parked the car in the express way and put the emergency lights on. She pulled jake out of the car and when he was getting out of the car he put his hand on my wrist. "ouch! What the hell!?" I looked down at my wrist and saw there was a burn mark in the shape of a hand print. Erin looked down at my wrist. "what the hell is this guy?" Erin said quietly looking outside of the window trying see a glimpse of why Aries was taking Jake into the forest. Aries came running out of the forest next to the express way covering her ears. She jumped in the car and said. "get down!" In 3 seconds the floor vibrated and all that was heard was a giant rawr that screeched your ears. I wanted to look up but was blinded by the bright light and the intense heat. After about 5 seconds everything settled down the vibration, the light, and the heat was gone. I saw Jake come back from inside the woods more calm. I scooted over and tried to get as far away from him as possible. If Charlie saw any more burns their would be another fight and that's not what we need.

     He got back inside of the car and i noticed his eyes weren't their normal brown color i had seen at first. His eyes looked like snake eyes they were a orangey red color. "why did Vilmork have her?" He said roughly. "well we don't know yet she's been on the couch since yesterday and hasn't said a word that's why we need you there so she can heal better, faster. She needs to be healthy for the war." Aries finished. "wait war? What war?" "with Vilmork." Erin said. "count me in." Jake finished with a deadly smirk.

     ~ Haven's pov~

     I've felt so horrible today. So i decided to stay in bed the whole day. I guess i got sick or something. I turned over to my side and fell asleep.

     ~ Ash's pov~

     I cant stop thinking about Haven and what happened yesterday outside.

     * FLASHBACK *

     "Hey, can we talk." I said to Haven who was sitting down in the front porch. "this is all too much for me."she said looking at me. I sat down next to her and stared at the ground swinging my feet. "I'm sorry." I said low. "why are you apologizing?" She chuckled. "because i came on a little to strong, it's just, I've been waiting all my life for my mate and, now i found her." I looked at her and smiled. "and she truly is the most beautiful girl i could ever ask for." She began to blush. I intertwined our hands together and caressed her hand with my thumb. The sparks flew. I wanted to do more that caress her hand i wanted so much more. I put my hand on her neck and began to lean foward. But in a split second she backed away and said. "I, i'm gonna go to sleep." I just noded. And she was out in a flash.


     what if she just dosen't want me? I stood up from laying in my bed the whole day and went up to the attic where she was staying the night. The door was ajar and I saw her sleeping so i just walked in. I looked and her sleep and was pleasured by her beauty. her beautiful auburn hair went perfectly down her back and I looked down at her sweet pink lips that were so tempting. I sat down at the corner of the bed and got closer and closer to her. I caressed her soft pink cheek until a smile appeared on her face. But she still didn't move a muscle. I turned around and dug my face into my hands, what do i do? I ran my fingers through my hair a billion times thinking the same thing over and over again. "Ash?" I heard Haven's voice I turned around to face her and I nervously began to studder I mean i didn't want her to think I was a stalker or something. "oh uh, sorry I-just w-wanted uh um a book! s-so I came in here didn't mean to wake you up." I stood up quickly and walked out of her room until I heard her call my name out. "Ash! wait!" my heart started pumping, she really does want me! "uh yeah?" I awnsered trying to keep my cool. "you forgot your book?" she said with a questioning face. "oh yeah, sorry" I chuckled. I grabbed the nearest book I could find and got it. Looks like Twilight was the lucky one. I walked back to the door with my head down. Just fuck it she dosen't want me. "Ash, one more thing." I turned my head around but kept my body outside of the doorway.  She walked up to me and her lips crashed into mine. I dropped the stupid Twilight book and pulled her hips closer to me. I never liked reading anyways. The wonderful kiss ended before she said "I don't want to fight this anymore. I love you." I smiled at her "good." and kissed her again.

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