Chapter 41

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     Ash was shitting bricks when he saw how i was giving him the death glare. He knew that i could woop ass since i beat the shit out of Draco. "so you were jealous?! You do like her!" Andy stormed out running and Niall chasing after. "shit." Aurty said. I didn't even want to look at Minara. "Charlie." Minara said through gritted teeth. I looked at her and all i noticed were her once beautiful greenish yellow eyes were a dark green I mean they were still beautiful but, a scary type of beauty  "what the hell is wrong with you?! Why would you ask such a stupid question?! And instead of being mature and asking me or Niall, no you just had to plan this whole stupid thing just to get the truth out, well i hope your happy Charlie." Minara stood up and headed upstairs to where Niall chased after Andy. "nice goin' asshole." Aurty said. But damn he was right.

     Minara's pov~

     I followed Niall upstairs to apologize for what had happened with Charlie. I walked down the hallway and heard Andy crying and Niall with his forehead against the wall and arms beside his head. "Andromeda, please open the door. I love you just please-" i heard Niall with his voice in a emotion i never though i would ever hear from the toughest guy in the house, sadness. It broke my heart to see him like this. I walked up to him and put my hand on his shoulder. "let me handle this." He noded.

     "Andy its me Minara, please open the door." I knocked. "no, get out of here! This is all your fault!" She yelled back at me. "Andy its not at all what it looks like, me and Niall want to explain." I replied. "I don't want to hear anything that asshole has to say!" Niall's eyes were about to explode with tears. Getting offended by your soulmate wasn't the best feeling in the world. "Open the door before i knock it down!" I yelled. "go ahead!" Alright, she wanted to try me.

     I grabbed onto the doorknob and pulled it out of its place and kicked the door open. I looked at Andy and she was sobbing with big red puffy eyes, running mascara and a tissue in her hand full of teary mascara stains. I rushed over to her but she backed away instantly. "Andy we can explain." Niall said with worry knitted eyebrows. "well you already broke my door so i can't kick you out so, explain."

     Me and Niall looked at each other. I guess I'll explain. " Ash pinned me down and i ran away from him but he caught up to me and cornered me and if Niall wasn't there lets just say Charlie wouldn't be the only one who's been with me before. He saved me." When i finished explaining her eyes softened but instantly went back into a glare. "well that doesn't explain why you've been so protective of her if it was only one time?" She crossed her arms over her chest. "Andy, do you remember Melanie?" Her eyes instantly watered. I looked over at Niall. I didn't understand. He sighed. "Melanie was my younger sister. She was good friends with Andy but she got raped by one of my 'used to be' friends and got threatened that if she ever spoke she would be killed and so she ran away about two years ago. I never saw my sister again." His voice cracked in the last part and a tear slid down his cheek. "i didn't want to see the same thing happen to you, that's why i became so protective. I'm sorry." He bowed his head. Poor Niall i instantly hugged him. "thank you for caring." I told him before Andy took my place. "I'm so sorry Niall." Andy cried. "I'm sorry too." Now that these two mates are back together, its time to bitch at mine.

     I ran downstairs about to put Charlie on blast for almost ruining Andy and Niall's relationship when i find everyone screaming outside the front door. Well this can't be good. I ran outside the door but my view was blocked by all the cousins grouped in a circle yelling out "stop!" and "fight!" i squeezed between Aurty and Centi and saw Ash coughing up blood and Charlie on top punching him non-stop.

     ~ Charlie's pov~

     i punched Ash so many times that my knucles were getting bruised then he started bleeding from his nose and coughed up blood. But i wasn't planning on stopping, how dare he? he knew i had a mate! and he tried kissing her and if Niall wasn't there then I wouldn't be the only one that has gotten in her pants! the thought infuriated me even more making the punches more powerful until my vision was blurred for a split second by a punch to the jaw. I looked over my shoulder and saw, Minara? She looked at me with deadly eyes while helping Ash up. she took off her gray jacket and wiped Ash's mouth staining it. she whispered to him "go inside i'll take care of this." Ash noded and rapidly walked inside with Meg on his tail. She quickly walked over to me not giving me a chance to stand up and *SLAP* straight to the face. "fuck" i mummbled in pain. "what the fuck is going on with you?!" she yelled at me. She was angry but still looked beautiful. She had a white tanktop on and a messy bun. Ripped denim skinny jeans and some beaten up converse. But she can never look more beautiful. "well?!" she yelled. i almost forgot i was getting bitched at.

     I stood up standing taller than her showing her that I was the man. but she didn't back down. " I was beating up that flirt for trying to kiss my girl." she sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes while putting her hands on her hips. "so i'm your property or something? no, listen" she said putting her finger on my chest. " I don't know whats going on in that little brain of yours but your guy hormones are all over the place. We've been here for only 5 days and you've already gotten into two fights. Not to mention these are all your cousins Charlie. Stop being so immature and handling things your way and just have a normal conversation like a civilized person." she scowled at me. "you want to talk to me about civilized? your an alien from another planet!-" she punched my chest. "don't call me that you know i don't like it!" i put my hands up in surrender. "sorry for speaking the truth." i mumbled. she huffed and backed away with teary eyes. "i'm so dissapointed in having you, as a mate." With those 9 words that could tear a persons' soul out she ran into the woods while sobbing into her hands.

     Fuck i was so angry. I swear at this moment i wanted to kill someone. I walked over to a tree and punched it brutally. I fucked up horribly. I yelled out in pain, not for my bloody bruised knuckles but for my heart. I dropped down to the floor and let a tear slide down my face in frustration. Why do i have to be so fucking stupid?! Why can't i just shut the hell up when i need to?! This is my fucking problem, not because im a 'loner' or a 'freak' its that i'm so fucking ignorrant. Like that time Minara said not to follow her into the forest the first time we met i still followed, or when Minara told me not to look into Kira's eyes i still looked, even when my mom told me to stop beating Harrison up i just kept going and she probably would be here right now if i just listened. I just don't fucking listen and now Minara fucking regrets being soulmates with me. It hurts, so much.

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