Creepypasta One Shot

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Ayyyyyy! So since I've been traveling I've gotten an idea for a Jeff x Jane one shot. It's my first one shot so pleeeeeeeaaaaaase don't kill me! Also please don't flame my ships. It's disrespectful and I don't like it. I'm trying not to be a Mary Sue. *deep breath* here it goes!

Jeff's life seemed to flash through his eyes at this moment. He remembered the little girl, only a year younger than him, who he met at his old School before she moved away. When they reunited and he went insane. He hadn't meant to kill her family. The monsters inside had told him to do it. He remembered her chasing him and failing. It was cute to see her try to keep up with him. Once she did catch him, she did kill him, with love. Both seemed to remember the old times and fell for each other once more.
"Jane?" He asked.
"Yeah?" The black haired girl said in a muffled voice, her face buried in his shoulder.
"What if one of us was to die tomorrow? Would the other carry on? I need to ask you before it's too late." He murmured.
Jeff then remembered her lips crashing onto his once he slipped the obsidian ring onto her left hand. He remembered her black, Victorian dress that she wore at their wedding. He remembered the snow falling onto her raven hair as they walked in silence after the party. He remembered her slender, pale body against his, and how they stayed like that the whole night, side by side. His best friend, his enemy, the love of his life. He remembered picking her up and spinning her into a hug once they found out the news.
Never had Jeff imagined in his life that he would be sitting there in his Omnia t-shirt and black sweatpants, clutching Jane's hand as she squeezed it. Her cries rang out through the air like bird calls.
"Jane?" She seemed so far away. The love of his life, bearing his child, she was in so much pain. He wished with all his heart he had listened to Doc Oc, that she was too weak to have kids. Sweat beaded her forehead and her hair fell damp against her head. Eyeless Jack's gloved hand put a cool washcloth across her forehead. Jane still screamed, the pain of labor was too much for her. She was on the verge of passing out for the 5th time since she went into labor. Suddenly, as if a new day had broken, a second cry filled the air. Jeff looked up from his wife's pale face. Jack was clipping the cord from the newborn and wiping it with a washcloth. He wrapped the bundle into a blood red blanket and handed it to Jeff.
"Congrats, Jeff! Meet your daughter!" He said, taking off the bloody gloves and wiping his brow.
"Jane! Look at our daughter! You did so well!" He said. Jane didn't have a response. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was shallow. He grasped at her hand with his free arm.
"Hey. Don't go to sleep Jane, we have to talk. You have to look at our little girl!" He said. Soon her breathing slowed down and she opened her jet black eyes for a split second before closing them and whispering something under her breath. Then her heaving chest stopped moving. Jeff held back a strangled cry.
"Jane! Hey! Janie! Janet? Janie~poo? Wake up! Don't go to sleep!" He said, anxiously, the child in his arms, still crying. Suddenly, he felt a rush of cold air go all through his body. He put his hand on Jane's wrist, no pulse, her hand was going cold.
"No..." he thought. "Jane! No! Janey! Wake up please!" He screamed. But it was too late. The Janie bird had flown away.
"Jane!" He screamed, tears pouring down his leathery cheeks as he sobbed into her hair.
Sally, Ben, Laughing Jack, Eyeless Jack, and Slenderman stood at the door, watching the heart-wrenching scene. Sally was sobbing into Ben's shirt. Laughing Jack no longer smiled his toothy grin. Slendy's 'face' looked grim and shaded. Black tears poured out of Ben and EJ's eyes/eye sockets. The newborn wailed in her Father's embrace as tears fell from his face onto hers. It was Masky who approached him.
"Jeff? What is her name?" He asked in a cautious and choked up voice.
"Jane." Jeff said without looking up. "Her name is Jane Theodosia Woods."

Well... sad enough for you guys? It's okay! You didn't need hearts anyway! :D

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