Goodbye Baby

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There's a rainbow bridge that every animal crosses at one point. It leads up into a Kingdom made of clouds where they all live happily and in peace. On Monday Morning, October 23rd, my cat, my cub, my baby, my Cinderella, my Cinderblock, sat on the windshield of my stepdad's car and watched me wave her one last goodbye as I walked to the bus stop. "Goodbye Goober!" Was all I said, not knowing it would be my last goodbye to her. She had been missing since that day. I held onto hope, because as dumb as she was she always found her way home. Until this evening, when I was rehearsing my lines and I heard a screaming howl outside my window. When I looked, a coyote was standing in my yard, his jowls covered with dried blood. My baby's blood. My cub's blood. She is gone.
I am guilty. I have taken her for granted. I should have loved her, let her sleep in my room, enjoyed every drop of drool she poured on me, laughed whenever I stepped in a hairball. But it's too late, and now she's gone. And she will never come back. A part of my heart has died with her and it will never come back to life. I have decided to refrain from Animals or Children for the rest of my life or at least a long time, as I do not think I am cut out to be a parent or guardian to any living creature. All I can do is cry now and try to go on living for the sake of my other children. I am slowly loosing my mind as we speak. I haven't slept well since Sunday night, I have been eating little to none of anything, I haven't made a fandom reference since Monday Afternoon, and I've been experiencing homicidal and suicidal thoughts. I think that this is a punishment from god because of my sexual orientation. Because god knows that one can beat me and skin me and kill me and I'll still stand strong. But when they torture me by hurting my children, I fall apart. My children do not deserve to feel the wrath of god because of my disgusting worthlessness. I can only pray for my family and pets beyond the rainbow bridge to look out for my cub, because I will never see her again. Fags like me will go to hell anyway. Here's a few songs and photos dedicated to her.

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