What the fuck

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Okay so I recently got into Heathers and this girl at my school who hates me is really triggered about it now because I'm interested in all the musicals that she likes and she said to one of my friends that if I get into another musical that she likes she will "reap me". Which I think it means kill me. Like bitch please! There is a thing in America called Freedom of Expression! I have the complete right to like anything I want! You can't threaten me just because I like the same musicals as you! Like we could be friends but y'all just playing! I don't even know what the Hell I did to her. It honestly makes me feel trapped, like I can't express myself because I might get killed. She's telling my friends that I tried to rape her when I didn't! We were role playing as flirty Bellatrix Lestrange and Alexander Hamilton but I did not make a move on her! She claims to be against Homophobia but she's telling my friends that my gay ass tried to make a move on her! She made MY datefriend's own mother hate me! Like bitch please! I'm scared to listen to Dear Evan Hansen, Wicked, Pippin, Amélie, or In the Heights because I'm scared she will either kill me, report all my social media including Wattpad and get me deleted, or turn my friends against me. All that is going on makes me feel trapped and alone. Like I can't be myself at all or I'll be killed or humiliated into killing myself. If that girl is reading this. You know who you are, and you can't stop me from being myself.

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