Sneak peak

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So I've been thinking of writing for Disney. A book series called Possessed. It's kind of like The Kane Chronicles but instead of Egyptian Gods, all the characters in Disney once existed and now only their spirits are left. Spirits cannot thrive without having a body to latch onto. This is the story of a girl named Emma, a sneak peak into the first chapter of this book series.

Emma knew she wasn't ordinary. She wasn't stating the obvious. She had a list of the obvious.
1: the color of her skin. Ok so lots of people have dark skin but in Aroostook County Maine, everyone is as white as can be. Her skin was the color of maple cream mixed with chocolate syrup. A light, creamy brown that never burned in the sun.
2: The Neighbors. There was 10 houses in her neighborhood. 6 of them including her own had kids living in them. 1 house had a family that was colored. Her own. She didn't understand why the neighbors threw rocks at her and not the other kids at the bus stop. Why did the neighbors give the other kids cookies and tell her to go back to Saudi Arabia? Why did her house get vandalized with confederate flags and spray painted slurs but nobody else's did?
3: she missed home. She had fled Saudi Arabia with her family when she was five. There was a huge fuss about her family coming to America but in reality, even though Baba had said life would be better for them in America, she just wanted the wars to end so she could go back to her house, and sit under the fig tree, watching the family's pigeons fly around, cooing lazily. There was nothing more in the entire world that she wanted more than to go back to Saudi Arabia.
4: why did other girls get to bring Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches as lunch when she had to bring Falafel. Peanut butter is easier to get out of long hair. When other kids ate Bacon Cheeseburgers at McDonalds after School, she was stuck with a McFlurry because she couldn't eat pig.
5: why didn't other girls keep a collection of artifacts from where their forefathers came from? Emma had an entire collection of Artifacts from Arabia. She even had her Grandmother's Hijab. She never wore it. But just to remind her of the frail old lady they left behind.
6: why did nobody else's father pray five times a day and wear a turban?
But that was not why Emma was different, it was because of the voice.
The Voice had been with her for as long as she would remember. She used to think that everyone had the voice, until she found it was just her. It was a man's voice, with a bored tone and a whisper like the hiss of a cobra. It was oddly soothing though. It seemed nice to have someone watching over her, protecting her from harm. But she couldn't understand the spells, where her vision would go blurry and as the priest of the mosque said her "eyes would turn as red as hellfire". But this voice knew all her secrets, every last one. She knew this was not just a conscience. This was a powerful entity, who would destroy the world with a flick of his hand. She kept him in line though. All she knew about him, even though he knew everything about her, was that he was also from Arabia and his favorite food was apples and he loved cobras. He also had had, at one point, an annoying parrot that he ended up abandoning in the desert (more like the parrot abandoned him but whatever). But that was the limit
"The less you know, the better." He had said to her. And she kept that dear to her heart. The cold and blackened heart she had beating in her chest.

AAAAAAAAAAAND CUT! That is all for this sneak peak! The first person who guessed who the voice is gets a cookie! I might actually get this book published so I hope y'all like this sneak peak!

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