The Maestro and the Hunter

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"Are you okay?" Gaston heard a man's voice say. It was musical and smooth. He opened his eyes to see a figure. His vision was still hazy but it was a man wearing a powdered wig. He wore a silver coat and a gold ribbon was wrapped around his neck. He saw no teeth in the person's mouth.
"Are you an angel?" He slurred.
"Shh shh shh! Don't try to talk yet. Just rest. You've had quite the ordeal." The figure propped up his head and poured some liquid into his mouth. Gaston coughed, it tasted awful, like a mixture of charcoal and horse manure.
"I know, it tastes bad, but it will help." The man said. When Gaston's vision cleared, he saw a pale face with a brown mustache and brown eyes. His hair was white and wild and he had a concerned look on his face. His clothes were stained with blood. Gatson's Blood!
"I see the beauty within you oh, noble hunter. How I could convince you I love you more than life itself." The maestro said.
"Maybe this will prove it." The man leaned down and pressed his lips against Gaston's. Gaston was shocked at the sweet, tingly feeling that went through his body when the man-once-harpsichord kissed him. Le Fou had kissed him many a Time, but this was special. For the maestro, even kissing his lovely wife was a mere piece of fools gold compared to the platinum that was this kiss. Gaston wrapped his arms around the maestro's waist, pulling him closer as he took advantage of this romantic affair. After a minute, they came up for air and Gaston rested his head in the maestro's lap as the man's gentle hands brushed through the long black hair.
Hush, child, the darkness will rise from the deep
And carry you down into sleep
Child, the darkness will rise from the deep
And carry you down into sleep

Guileless son, I'll shape your belief
And you'll always know that your father's a thief
And you won't understand the cause of your grief
But you'll always follow the voices beneath

Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty, loyalty
Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty only to me

Guileless son, your spirit will hate her
The flower who married my brother the traitor
And you will expose his puppeteer behavior
For you are the proof of how he betrayed her loyalty

Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty
Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty only to me

Hush, child, the darkness will rise from the deep
And carry you down into sleep
Child, the darkness will rise from the deep
And carry you down into sleep
The maestro's soft, silky voice curled it's way into Gaston's ears and nested there, making him feel calm. In the maestro's hands he fell asleep, forever. Leaving a musical man to cry softly over the fallen hunter's broken, soulless body.

Ok so before anyone gets shook and says that Cadenza belongs with Wardrobe and Gaston Belongs with Le Fou, hear me out! Today is my 1 year anniversary with my lovely Gaston, avi-starwarstrash . In our friend group Avi is Gaston and I'm Cadenza so I decided to write this as a sort of love poem to the person I love.
Joyeux Anniversaire mon 2x4. Je t'aime Avi. ❤️ Amour Elsa.

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