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What is love? There's no such thing. It's just something made to describe that stupid wind that sends shivers down your spine. It's not real it's just human instinct for procreation. Just admit it. This world is just full of more hate every day. Soon love won't even be a legal word anymore. Love is STUPID we shouldn't even be allowed to love. Anyone who says they love you is a liar. All of it is lies! I'm erasing myself from this narrative. Nobody will ever know what I said unless they read this. I'm not talking. I'm not speaking my rights. I have no rights. LOVE IS NOT REAL HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *picks up knife* LOVE WILL NEVER WIN!*slits arm* IT IS NOT REAL AND WILL NEVER BE REAL! GET A GRIP ON REALITY YOU TWATS! JUST DONT TRUST ANYONE THERE IS NO LOVE TRUST OR COMPASSION. JUST HATE AND LUST! IM NOT A TOY YOU MOTHERFUCKERS STOP TOYING WITH MY CHILDISH EMOTIONS IM SUPPOSED TO BE MATURE! JUST CUT IT OUT ALREADY! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *cuts face* YOU WOULDN'T LOVE THIS WOULD YOU?! NO BECAUSE THERE IS NO LOVE! JUST MAKE IT GO AWAY!
*stabs chest* THERE. PROBLEM FIXED. NOW ITS FINALLY GONE. *stabs camera*

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