Where Did You Come From? Pt.1

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Jimin fixes once more the beanie that was already falling off his head.

Although the tiredness was seeping in, he gets up once again and practices the routine he knows by heart. His mind is flooded with everything that happenened in the last hour but somehow dancing made him forget. Dancing made him stronger, better.

Dancing made his body hurt in some many ways but at the same time it was a pleasure, the pain felt good. So much better than his thoughts.

"Hyung, you're going to hurt yourself."

Jimin looks to the side, surprised to see Jungkook staring at him. The younger is sitting down on the floor with his head being supported by his hand, giving the impression that he is bored.

Jimin doesn't pay much attention to his dongsaeng.

"I will be just fine. Now go do something better than staring at me. It's creepy."

Jungkook rolls his eyes in that annoying way that Jimin simply hated. "Look, Jimin, you're obviously not okay and hurting yourself is not the best way to deal with sadness, specially after everything you've been through. Now, can you please come with me? I have something to cheer you up."

In Jungkook's mind "cheering up" was probably going to a bar and getting drunk, which probably involved making a lot of mistakes. Jimin knows that because the younger one always tells stories about when he goes to parties and somehow they always end up with him getting in trouble.

However, because of his state, Jimin couldn't even think straight anymore, the pain on his limbs clouding his thoughts. Alcohol truly seemed the nicest option at the moment.

"Ok, let's go." It was better than sulking anyway.


Jimin shouts at the top of his lungs while he moves around the dance club with a cup of beer on his hand.

Jungkook was for probably for the first time in his whole life right. This was cheering Jimin up. After everything that happened today, he deserved this. He deserved to be happy. He deserved smile like a stupid high school girl that only thinks about boys all day instead of taking this much shit from other people.

He looks to the side and he can already see Jungkook flirting with a girl. He rolls his eyes at the maknae, mouthing a simple "Already?", whilst shaking his head, pretending to be disappointed. Jungkook shrugs, throwing him his flirty smile while mouthing back a "Enjoy" and returning his attention to whatever flirty thing that girl was saying.

Jimin moves around the dance floor like he always did. Graciously. Although his perfect looks and moves, he still had somehow this low self-esteem that followed him everywhere. There was always something he didn't like about himself. There was always something that made him uncomfortable while looking at himself in the mirror, seeing who he truly was, not the person he pretended to be. Nothing was ever good, nothing was ever fine. Maybe that's why his girlfriend left him. He wasn't perfect and he knew he could never be, even if he tried, and gave every bit of effort into it, he could never be the way he wanted. He could only be one thing: a mess.

Maybe that's why he doesn't notice the lustful glares of some girls, even some boys around him, checking out all of his moves. He couldn't think that he could ever make someone feel something for him other than hate. Of course he got admirers from now and then but he wasn't interested, he never was. He always tried to craft another personality, another Jimin that wouldn't be as bad as the original one because the original one would always be hated, broken. The original one would always be rejected, and Jimin couldn't accept that. He would rather be somebody else, he would rather be the person he was right now.

He didn't think he deserved to be loved, treated well. He wasn't perfect, nor anyone had made him feel like he ever was. No one had once in his life made him feel actual happiness, actual love. Not even the girl that broke up with him the same morning.

His thoughts are interrupted as someone sneaks his hands around his waist, scaring Jimin so much he literally jumps back, falling into the stranger's embrace.

"What are you doing here alone, hottie? Don't you have a date? Should I be yours then?" Jimin turns around to find the owner of that husky voice.

Since it's dark inside the club, Jimin can't see really well but, if the guy he was looking at was pretty in this dim light, Jimin wondered if the guy looked like a god under the sunlight.

The man that he was actually checking out now, had blonde ruffled hair, that looked like it hadn't been brushed in a while, giving him this "I don't care about the world" look. Ripped jeans and a black crumpled shirt (that was hopefully crumpled because of the dancing, not something else) followed by a leather jacket to match his "bad boy" look.

What fazed Jimin the most were the smooth arms around his waist. Jimin felt comfortable. He felt needed. It scared him in a way that he needed to actually control himself. So he decided to simply shake these thoughts off in one thought; "It's probably the booze" and continue to do the hard job that was to stare at the stranger's beautiful eyes, in the dark dance club.

Jimin distanced himself a little bit of the strangers touch. "What do you think you're doing, sir?" The man grinned at this, like Jimin was his new little toy that had just arrived.

"Well, sir, I wondered what you were sinfully doing with those hips a while ago, but I didn't ask, nor got a answer for it, so I guess we both have questions but don't have answers for them, do we?" His words confused Jimin, mostly because of the amount of alcohol he had on his body by now.

Everything was blurry already so Jimin just gave in to the soft embrace of the man in front of him, as both of their hips moved along with the music.

His mind was a bit cloudy and all the thoughts from before, were suddenly forgotten. There was only one thing that he could think of. The man standing right in front of him.

He looks around to search for Jungkook and realizes that he was already gone - probably ran off with that girl. When he faces the man again, he realizes how close the man is.

The blonde haired man leans in slowly and Jimin...

He goes for it.

As their lips touch each other, Jimin feels a wave of pleasure going around his body. That guy was so hot, he simply wanted more. The blonde haired man pulls Jimin even closer to his body, hands sneaking around his waist and almost his butt as Jimin moans a little inside the other's mouth. He couldn't help it: the man could kiss.

Jimin tightens his arms around the other's neck, deepening the kiss, that was already a mess, even more.

The dark haired boy deserved this.

He deserved to have some fun. Even if he didn't simply hook up with people he didn't know, this guy was somehow different. He made him feel good. Maybe it was the alcohol and his m emotions talking but Jimin couldn't help it, he felt wanted and needed.

And like every dream, it ends soon, because someone pulls the not-so-stranger back.

Jimin opens his eyes, and he's not there anymore, already mixed within the crowd.

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