Can You Turn Off Your Phone? Pt.4

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Yoongi wakes up in an empty bed, already missing the warm body that had laid with him there. Where the heck was Jimin? He hears the sound of a shower. The other was probably there. He groans and open his eyes. There is also a strong scent inside his room. Was it from... food?

Then he sees it. On their wooden table there were a few paper bags with food, warm food, inside them. So yummy. Yoongi stretches and only changes his shirt, not in the mood of taking a shower.

"Yoongi!" he hears a muffled shout behind the door that led to the bathroom. "I forgot my shirt over there, can you grab it please?" Yoongi looks at Jimin's bed and sees the simple blue shirt that the other was looking for. Yoongi gets the shirt and knocks on the bathroom's door. Jimin opens just a little bit of the door and Yoongi still can't see his abs.

"Jimin my arm is too thick. It doesn't go by that small space. Just open the whole door already," Yoongi asks frankly. Jimin isn't stupid though, so when he thinks that Yoongi is a bit distracted, he rips the shirt out of his hand and closes the bathroom door quickly. Yoongi sighs. All he wanted to see was the other boy's chest. And this is what he gets? Why was this world so cold and cruel? Why?

Jimin finally leaves their bathroom and they sit down next to each other (that table wasn't that big, so they had to be very close, which Yoongi liked very much). Jimin quickly unlocks his cellphone  to check his messages and lets out a high-pitched scream.

Alarmed, Yoongi checks out what it is. All he can see is a  huge headline that said:


Below, a photo of the three of them at that dark alley.



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