Boy In Luv (Pt.4)

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"Yoongi, are you sure about this?" Yoongi nods one more time and Jimin can't do anything else but accept.

The others simply left them at the salon, because they realized that 'oh no, it's 4 am and i'll have to wake up at 6 am' and took their leave.

Since Yoongi and him lived on the same dorm, both of them decided to accompany each other on the walk home. Yoongi however, decided to change his hair as well, because more than a blond together meant that they were becoming B.A.P and Yoongi couldn't stand that rapper Zelo. (A/N: this joke is so old pls forgive me armys)

He decides to go back to his natural color, black, and Jimin waits patiently for the result. Key was the one doing him now, so it would probably be quick. Jimin sees Jonghyun and he immediately goes to the younger asking for his cellphone number. Jonghyun laughs and they exchange their so precious numbers with each other. Jimin had made a friend. He was proud of himself.

You see, one of Jimin's hobbies was meeting new people. Yes, to do that he would have to incorporate fake Jimin, but that was the only way that a loser like him would ever get to know people. By not being himself.

He couldn't let people see the real Jimin. Not even his best friends could see who he really was. He wanted to let them in, to let them know who the real Park Jimin was but it was too risky. It was better to pretend that everything was okay, that he was okay.

"It was nice to meet you Jonghyun! Please, call me anytime for us to hangout together!" Jimin hugs his new hyung and gets ready to go away since Yoongi had already finished his hair.

He smiles and hugs Key.

"Bye hyung! I'm so glad that we met... my hair looks amazing." Key pinches his cheeks.

"Jiminnie, stay safe. I hope to see you soon." He smiles tenderly and lets him go.

Jimin and Yoongi leave the beauty shop, already sober after that whole night. He looks at his clock. 5 am. He would have to wake up at 8 am. Great.

Although he knew that he wouldn't be able to sleep for a while he is giggling and skipping while talking loudly with Yoongi. His night was amazing and he was so freaking glad. Really, he couldn't ask for anything else.

"Yoongi hyung, your hair is so beautiful... thank you for tonight. Really. It means a lot to me," Jimin talks while brushing his hand through Yoongi's hair. Yoongi smiles, taking Jimin's hand out of his hair and interlacing their fingers. Jimin giggles.

"I'm glad you liked it. I only knew that your birthday was coming because Hoseok told me. I should have known, sorry," Yoongi tries to apologize but Jimin makes him stop because it was okay. At least Yoongi cared to remember, unlike some... people.

"It's okay! I'm glad you're here. When is your birthday, though?" Yoongi looks at the ground as if embarrassed.

"It's on March but it's not important..." Yoongi says and Jimin is a bit annoyed.

"How come? It's your birthday. Simply your damn birthday, of course it's important," Jimin says and Yoongi looks at the side like he was hiding something from him.

"I know, I just... I don't know, I don't have very memorable moments of my birthdays. I didn't actually like them." Yoongi says honestly and Jimin is glad that Yoongi is opening up. Their relationship was actually getting better.

They enter their dorm building and go up the stairs in silence, lost in their own thoughts. Yoongi opens their door and pulls Jimin inside.

"Jimin, I actually have a gift for you. I was only waiting for the others to leave to be honest," Yoongi says eagerly sitting Jimin down on his bed since Yoongi's was still dirty, and he searches their small closet for something. He finds it. A small, black, box.

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