Can You Turn Off Your Phone? Pt.1

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The dark club pumps the music up even louder on the cheering crowd ears. The stage is now owned by the powerful rapper that makes the crowds scream his name.

Yoongi finishes his rap perfectly. He looks at the crowd like he owned every single person there. He feels like he can kill people with only his fierce stare, starting to feel overflowingly confident by the second, as the crowd chanted "Agust D" loudly. He lets the mic drop and leaves the stage with swag.

Hoseok and Namjoon are already at backstage clapping. Namjoon was still a bit mad at Yoongi because he had dropped his mixtape with no warning at all and nearly screwed up their whole schedule. Let's just say that Yoongi promised he would wait, but the thing was that he wasn't very good at promising things.

Hoseok smiles. "That was awesome hyung! I nearly cried during your rap," Hoseok pretends to wipe a fake tear and Yoongi rolls his eyes. "Thank you, I guess..."

Since Yoongi was the last one to perform, they finish their performance and leave the dark club filled with sweaty, dancing people, reminding Yoongi of the night he met Jimin. Jimin. Now that Yoongi thinks of him, he wonders if the boy is doing well or having one of those panic attacks again.

After the whole "girlfriend" incident, Jimin became very uncomfortable around him, not wanting to hear an explanation for what happened, even ignoring him to the point that they didn't talk anymore. Jimin was unreachable but, being the indifferent way that he was, Yoongi couldn't bring himself to care. Jimin was a child, a toy that he played with, nothing else.

Did he really have a girlfriend? No. Yes, he could play around with people, but not their feelings. The girl that showed up at his door was just one of his one night stands, thinking that she was his girlfriend after spending the night with him.

He immediately cut her off, not wanting to be in a relationship with her. Again, he didn't play with people's feelings.

The chilly wind hits him as soon as they walk out the door. Yoongi immediately closes his jacket, not looking forward to catch a cold. The masks that they are still wearing (they needed to make sure no one was around to take them off) prickled his nose and Yoongi rubbed it aggressively, sort of annoyed. This was the price to pay for having a secret identity.

When he told Jimin that he pretended to be somebody else, he was not kidding. Suga was one person, Yoongi was another one. They might have the same face but, definitely not the same personality. Suga was fierce, he owned the crowds with his rap. Yoongi... Yoongi is someone that goes by life unnoticed, someone not worth paying attention for. He was just like Hannah Montana in a way (A/N: Yes, I did that reference judge me)

After he knew that Jimin actually listened to their small rap group, and was Suga's #1 fanboy, Yoongi's mind couldn't stop wandering off. Jimin shouldn't matter, they didn't know each other after all. Yet, somehow, when Yoongi thinks about Jimin knowing about his secret identity, he feels insecure. Jimin talked so greatly about Min Suga when, in reality that oh-so-perfect person was just the idiotic, self-centered loser Min Yoongi.

Just thinking about seeing Jimin disappointed made him uneasy. Why did Yoongi felt so safe around him? His aura was the one that made him feel like he could tell everything to the younger boy, and the other would listen patiently whilst sitting on the bed, a bright smile on his face, swinging his legs back and forth. Yoongi felt so overwhelmed he did one of the things he was best at: shutting people off. He would shut Jimin off.

Park Jimin was dangerous. Park Jimin did no good to Yoongi. When Yoongi saw him shivering because of that panic attack, he felt desperate, if not worried. Some of the feelings he mostly had never felt before regarding someone else. He had never really cared for anyone, even in his two long lasting relationships. But as he saw his simple, new roommate Jimin having a hard time he felt like he needed to do something, he felt like he needed to protect Park Jimin. And he knew straight as hell that a guy like him couldn't do that.

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