I Need U (Pt.1)

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A:N/ In your freaking wedding, maybe?

Yoongi kicks an empty bottle around for a while. He leans onto a wall and tries to regain his balance, but no such luck. He was drunk as hell.

He actually thought about seeking out for his hyung, Jaehwan, but no. He needed to be alone. He wanted to be alone. He deserves to be alone. Because he was stupid. Stupid as hell.

"Is that Min Yoongi?" He hears three voices he had wished to never hear again. Great. Perfect timing really. Middle of an empty street, midnight. That ought to do the job.

"My God it's really him... do you think that we should hit him? I mean he looks sort of down. I even pity him, looking all broke n' stuff," he hears one of them say as they get closer. Yoongi stopped right on the same spot. He couldn't bring himself to run.

"Well, a punch won't hurt, right?" Now Yoongi remembered. One of his school bullies that he had crushed one time on a fight. He was so done with that kid saying bad things about him, he simply flipped him behind his shoulder in front of the whole school, completely humiliating him. That mostly did the job of keeping him away until Yoongi graduated.

But now, he was helpless and very drunk. So, he takes the easier path.

"Please. Hit me. And leave me to die. I don't know why I even have to live anymore anyways," although his words are a bit slurred and his vision blurred, he could never forget the surprised look of the three bullies that looked at him now.

"He actually wants to be hit... can't argue with that, right?" A kick to the gut.

Yoongi puts his hands on his stomach and he feels a punch on his eye. Pain felt good. Pain felt right. He deserved to feel pain.

He is now on the floor. The asphalt hurts his back as one of them stomps on his upper body with both feet. He groans, almost vomiting. He would hold it in, he had to.

"No... p-please not my hand..." someone is getting his foot way too close to Yoongi's hand. The only part of his body that he treasured. The only part of his body that he needed to become what he wanted the most: a musician. To play piano and brush Jimin's soft hair. Jimin...

As one of them goes to break his hand, his beloved hand that he used to play the keys, to compose, to do what he loved, someone kicks that person from behind.

"Excuse me, who do you think you are to hit Yoongi?" He hears a giggle as another person shows up and twists one of the sidekicks arm until it breaks. Another pained scream, from another side. One of the new arrivers had just kicked Kidoh in the gut.

Yoongi's vision is blurred but he gets a glimpse from his savior before blacking out.




Yoongi smiles and a kiss is pressed on his lips.

"Good morning, baby," Yoongi says and he hears Jimin's giggles. Another kiss on his cheek.

"Yoongi, you're such a mean boyfriend," he opens his eyes and Jimin is pouting, "you never wake up when I ask you to..." Yoongi pulls him down and peppers his face with kisses.

But suddenly the giggles are gone. Yoongi feels the coldness around him. Jimin wasn't there.

That was a dream.

And Jimin was gone.


"Shhh don't wake him up you dumbass!"

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