Tomorrow (Tae centered)

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Taehyung wakes up to the sound of birds chirping at his window. The sound was so relaxing, so...beautiful. He hugs the stuffed animal next to him even more, pleased by its softness. Then the stuffed animal grunts.

Taehyung opens his eyes quickly and falls off the bed, frightened. He hits his head on the floor and realizes that a strong migraine has already started to kick in. The stuffed animal next to him is actually a person. He peeks at the bed very slowly to see who it is.


He gets back on the bed, feeling a bit less scared as he starts to wonder why Hoseok is laying on his bed, fortunately, wearing clothes. Glimpses of the last night whirled around his head and he still couldn't figure out what had happened. His head hurt so much that he couldn't even think straight.

"Hoseok. Hoseok. Hyung. Hyung. Wake up. Hoseok hyung," Taehyung starts to poke the other's arm in an attempt to discover what the hell was happening. Hoseok tries to shoo Taehyung away, in a still unconscious state but, Taehyung doesn't quit until Hoseok says:


"Why are you here and what the hell have we done last night?" Hoseok opens up his eyes, finally realizing where he was. He looks at Taehyung's face, a bit scared about the answer of the question he was about to make.

"What did we do last night, Taehyung?" the younger shrugs, not knowing the answer.

"That's why I asked you, you dumbass," Taehyung exasperates and Hoseok retreats a little further away from Taehyung as if he was scared of him. Hoseok's eyes nearly fall out of his face as Taehyung fixes his shirt and his shoulder is visible.

"What?" Taehyung asks as he tries to peek at his shoulder. Hoseok gives him a desperate look.

"I'll be going now Tae. I hope we can still be friends. I don't want us to be awkward okay?" Hoseok fixes his clothes, puts on his shoes and leaves the room while waving at Taehyung.

Taehyung, still confused, tries to find some painkillers to soothe his headache, but no such luck. He felt like a hammer was pounding inside his head. How much had he drunk?

He gets up slowly and looks at himself in the mirror. He gapes at himself as he sees what Hoseok saw.

From his neck down he had huge purple marks peppering every little bit of his skin. Had Hoseok done that? Taehyung somehow thought of that as very sexy.

However, he asks himself if they went far deeper than just kissing. His memory betrayed him as he doesn't remember a single thing from the last night. Frowning, he takes a shower in his small bathroom.

Taehyung lived in a small apartment near the university. He had just gotten in at Converse University like Jimin but, he somehow didn't feel comfortable enough to share a room with someone at the dorms. So, he simply chose to afford an apartment big enough for a bed, a TV and a bathroom. With the money he made at the diner he worked at, he was able to afford all that.

He leaves the shower and looks at himself in the mirror, at his horrible appearance. His mind relaxed throughout the bath, but now that pounding feeling inside his head returned. He decides to go to a drugstore to buy something for his headache.

Carefully covering all of his marks, he looks a little way too muffled even for the autumn weather. His friends would probably find it suspicious as soon as they saw him. He puts on sunglasses to hide the dark bags under his eyes and leaves the small room.



Taehyung immediately flinches at the voice, making sure that his scarf is covering everything around his neck. He smiles brightly and tries not to seem too different as he smiles at the person he just met at the drugstore.

"Baekhyunnie hyung! Good afternoon!" He smiles even more, and immediately knows that the other already realized something is fishy because of his out of the usual actions.

Baekhyun, however, pretends that he doesn't see anything weird and like all of the other times, does his most to make Taehyung spill the beans.

"I'm so glad to find you here, my beautiful baby Taetae. I was actually thinking of you just now, wondering about how your night yesterday was. I actually tried to call you but you didn't answer. Were you somewhere else, maybe with a couple of friends?"

There you go. Time to tell the truth or be eaten alive by his hyung that was actually more of a mother to him.

Taehyung and Baekhyun went a long way back. They had met when Taehyung was five, in a sort of "special occasion". Baekhyun promised to protect Taehyung forever, so he was always next to him. He came up with the nickname Taetae since he didn't like the "V" one. Only Baekhyun could use that with him, but as soon as Jimin said that he would call him that as well, Taehyung couldn't refuse. It sounded so right coming out of his cute hyung's mouth.

"I hung out with some friends yesterday. We went to a club. I probably didn't hear my cellphone ringing because of the loud music," Taehyung smiles and Baekhyun is still not buying it.

"That's so nice! I'm glad you're making friends Tae. I can also see that you bought a new scarf. It looks amazing in this new autumn fashion to be honest. May I see it?" Baekhyun smiles ever so innocently and Taehyung takes a step back.

"Oh, its not washed. It smells very badly you shouldn't get near it," Taehyung starts mumbling, his headache confusing his thoughts. Baekhyun gets near him, pulling down his scarf, all of his purple marks showing.

"Who did this to you? I will murder... Is it a boy? A girl? Where does it live? How old is he or she or whatever? I'll kill anyone that messes with my sweet pure child I can't even-" Baekhyun is interrupted by Taehyung's ringtone.


"Taetae?" The voice on the other side sounds hesitant, almost...scared.

"Yes? Jimin, is that you?" he hears a sniff on the other end of the line and immediately worries because his most recent friend was probably crying.

"I-its Ji-jimin. I...can you meet me somewhere?" Taehyung is now a little bit more than worried and Baekhyun throws him a confused glance, not understanding a single thing of what was going on.

"Of course! Where are you? Are you hurt?" Taehyung waits for Jimin's answer patiently.

"I'm not phy-physically hurt b-but could you come quickly? I am at the bar n-near the restaurant you work at," more sniffling and the crying boy patiently waits for the other's answer.

"I'm coming," Taehyung hangs up and gives Baekhyun a "help me please" glare.

"Bacon hyung. Can you drive me somewhere? I will explain it to you on the way there."

Baekhyun nods.

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