Can You Turn Off Your Phone? Pt.2

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Yoongi grins and Jungkook's mouth gets closer by the second, until their lips are sealed shut.

And Yoongi feels... nothing.

You see, when he kissed Jimin he always felt something. A sparkle, attraction, even a tiny bit (a lot) of lust. However, even with this hot boy in front of him, he wasn't able to feel a thing. They part and Yoongi smiles nervously.

"I'm sorry, but I have to quickly check something," Yoongi leaves a confused Jungkook behind. He needed to find Jimin. Needed to see if they still had that sparkle. If that wish of being with each other still remained.

The sweaty bodies block his view, but he finally sees it. The short, caring boy. And he's not alone.

Jimin had his lips locked with a girl. A girl that seemed familiar. The girl that had knocked on his door that morning. Yoongi's heart somehow shatters.

Seeing Jimin with somebody else made him feel a strange mix of emotions, hurtness, anger. He wasn't really sure of what he was feeling. He was mostly confused because he barely knew the kid. He only felt sexually attracted to him, right? So how could that boy mess up with his feelings that hard?

The two stop kissing and Yoongi is still staring. He was frozen, not being able to move. Then it hits him. The unsteadiness of Jimin's feet. Jimin was drunk. The perfect excuse to take Jimin home and most importantly, away from that whore.

Then he sees it. That shining smile he has, along with his orange messed up hair. Jimin is giggling. Jimin is happy. Because he was talking to that girl. Yoongi couldn't take him away from her. He was the one that needed to go away.

That night he doesn't sleep at their room.

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