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Jimin is still pissed as he goes around campus, not even bothering to check out the new landscape. How could someone look at him and say that he was beautiful, when everytime he looks at himself in the mirror all he sees is a failure?

He suddenly falls on his butt. Somebody had bumped into him and it hurts. A lot. "Oh my God! I'm so sorry!" The person says and Jimin is still on the floor, not bothering to open up his eyes as he just lays there lifeless, waiting for God to take him away. The person pulls him up and he lets out a small groan, head and body aching in all sorts of places.

Jimin weakly smiles."It's okay. I probably deserve this. It's the world telling me not to live anymore." He feels a light slap on the arm from the person in front of him.

"Yah! Don't say these kind of stuff. It was all my fault and you shouldn't be saying things like that. Specially with all of these aliens around." Jimin pops up an eye just from curiosity and sees just normal people around him, not a single alien was there. He smiles. The boy had tricked him into opening his eyes.

He looks at the boy in front of him. He is very familiar. The boy shakes his hand firmly. "Again, I'm very sorry. My name is Taehyung if you want the cops to arrest me, even though I'd be happier if you didn't call them." Jimin faintly laughs. It was the boy Hoseok liked. And that boy was crazy as hell.

"I'm Jimin, and no, I won't call the cops, Taehyung, I already said it's okay. It was probably an accident right?" Taehyung's face distorts like he was going to lie, but he actually fails and tells Jimin the truth.

"I was sort of... looking for Pokémon?" Jimin rolls his eyes, although it hurts a bit.

"Ok... why were you running so fast?"

Taehyung once more does that weird thinking face of: "Am I going to lie or not?" and Jimin sighs. His day was so good and now he had a strong headache because a boy decided to hunt Pokémon.

Taehyung finally decides to tell the truth. "I thought I had seen a Pikachu behind you, so I ran over here very fast, but it was actually just a Pidgey. I'm sorry, I am not wearing my glasses right now." He laughs nervously as if saying "please don't hit me" and waits for Jimin's answer. Jimin grins. That kid was funny and very nice.

Letting his amusement spice his curiosity, Jimin grabs the boy's hand.

"Do you wanna grab some coffee Taehyung-ssi?"

Taehyung nods eagerly.


Jimin returns to his dorm at approximately 7 pm. The moon is already starting to settle on the sky and the autumn leaves start to pile up on the ground. He opens the door to the pitch-black room and sees that nobody is inside. Yoongi had left already. To where? He didn't know.

His conversation with Taehyung at the coffee shop was so captivating that he just wanted to talk to the younger boy even more and more. Hoseok had picked at least that one right. According to Jimin, the kid was a bit awkward and weird sometimes, but mostly cute.

He switches the lights up and lays down on his cold bed, frowning a bit. Now that he was alone, he realized how much he pushed people he cared about away. But to be "perfect Jimin", he had to. And nothing was ever perfect to him. He looks at his reflection on the mirror. All he sees is someone that finally has a bit of hope and yet, a lot of sadness. Jimin has everything. So, how could he feel so... empty?


"Pssst. Jimin. Psssst. Yah! Park Jimin!" Someone pinches his arm strongly and Jimin wakes up. He hadn't realized that he had fallen asleep. A thick blanket that wasn't his, was draped over him, maybe that being the reason why he wasn't shivering because of the cold. He looked up to see Yoongi with concerned eyes.

"What the hell were you dreaming about? I just arrived here because I was... umm... somewhere else and you were literally screaming in your sleep. Are you okay?" Jimin breathes in and out deeply. His face was wet because he was sweating profusely and because of a few tears that had fallen.

He tries to even his breaths, but fails to, realizing what is going on. Again. He is having a panic attack. It always happened when he was too nervous or adjusting to new surroundings. His heart beats fast and his head pounds. He puts his head on his knees and tries to stop himself from shaking.

Thoughts swirl around his head and voices repeat themselves. They all revolve around the same thought: he would never be good enough.

Jimin sobs. "Stop. P-please." Yoongi embraces him and Jimin grabs his arms for protection.

"Shhh. It will be okay. Everything will be okay. Focus on my voice. Focus." Yoongi hugs him tighter and Jimin starts to breath in and out properly. Jimin's eyelids feel heavy as he falls asleep on the tight embrace that Min Yoongi had. He feels so...safe.

Darkness comes and Jimin passes out from exhaustion.

Fucking Perfect | Yoonmin [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now