Spine Breaker ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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A/N: i do feel bad about thinking something else when it comes to spines breaking or sth

A/N: grab yo bibles children


"I want you to make love to me."

Yoongi gulps, yep, Jimin actually said that.

"But, Jiminnie... baby... it hurts," Yoongi did want to show how much he loved the younger but if he wasn't ready, he wasn't going to do anything that could possibly hurt him.

"I know, but it will hurt less if you're the one that are doing this to me. If you're the one that's touching me, the one that's loving me," Jimin pulls him into another kiss and Yoongi gives in to the younger.

It was just stronger than him, you know?

He licks Jimin's lips, as if requesting for entrance and Jimin opens his mouth, his tongue immediately meeting Yoongi's. Yoongi tugs on Jimin's shirt's hem and Jimin lifts his arms, letting the older take off his shirt.

Yoongi's lips go back to his lover's body and starts to trail kisses along his neck and chest. Then, he takes off his own shirt and starts to kiss Jimin's hips, getting closer to his pants.

Never losing eye contact, Yoongi starts to unbuckle the younger's belt, already feeling his hardened erection, through the thin fabric.

"Hyung..." Jimin says, almost moaning his eyes closing slightly, because of the pleasure of being touched.

Yoongi opens Jimin's pants and slides them down completely, leaving the younger only on his boxers.

"You're so hard for me already, Jiminnie," he massages the younger's cock through his boxers and Jimin lets out a low moan.

"Stop... teasing... hyung," he says between short breaths and Yoongi smirks.

"Okay," he puts his hand inside the younger's boxers, grasping his cock not too strongly but also not too lightly. Only enough to make the other scream.

Yoongi takes of Jimin's boxers completely and goes back to pumping his shaft up and down. His thumb passes through Jimin's slit and Jimin shivers a bit in pleasure.

"Hyung... that feels so... um," Jimin can't even speak properly.

That's exactly when Yoongi knows that to pleasure that probable virgin a blowjob would be recommendable.

So he slowly brings his mouth near Jimin's cock.

"H-hyung... w-what are y-you... ahhh," Jimin moans as Yoongi puts his mouth on the tip of his cock.

"I'm pleasuring you in the best way I can," he says and takes an experimental lick of Jimin's dick, making the younger moan again.

After pumping it with his hand a few times, Yoongi engulfs his member with his mouth and deep throats him completely. He starts to bob his head up and down and when Jimin is shivering and about to cum, Yoongi removes his mouth out of the younger's body completely.

"Y-yoongi..." Jimin moans, his eyes still closed.

"Not yet, baby. You told me to make love to you? Well, then before you cum let me fuck that little hole of yours," he whispers on Jimin's ear and Jimin lets out a small moan.

"F-fuck... fuck me already," Yoongi smirks since Jimin is completely submissive to him.

"But there is no-"

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