Just One Day (Hoseokkie centered)

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A/N: that meme will probably be how yall hoseok lovers (aka everyone) will feel after reading this.


Hoseok groans as he basically hits his cellphone beside him, trying to shut his alarm off.

Welp, there we go. Another usual day on his life.

Hoseok does the exact same routine he does every morning and even the fact his roommate hasn't even woken up yet makes part of his routine.

Being the good roommate he was, he wakes up the younger softly, doing circular motions with his hand on the younger's arm.

"Hey, Youngjae. Wake up, or you will get late," his roommate opens his eyes, smiling a bit.

"Oh... thank you for waking me up, hyung," Hoseok smiles back.

"Have a good day," he ruffles his hair, smiling and leaves the room, ready for another boring day.

I think that you should talk everything out with Taehyung. Go on a date with him.

The words keep replaying on his head.

To be honest? Taehyung was just a crush that he was using to move on.

Move on from another crush, the one that he had been having on Yoongi for about 4 years.

He knew that Yoongi would never like him. He saw him as a friend, a brother even. Worst than being friendzoned was being brotherzoned.

He sighs.

Did he feel happy for him and Jimin? Yes. After all, Jimin was his best friend. But that didn't mean that he wouldn't feel sad or feel something at all. What did Yoongi see on the younger that actually made him better than Hoseok? Hoseok knew what.

Jimin was cute, small, had some beautiful abs and was definitely the definition of hot and fluffy at the same time. What did Hoseok have? Some rapping and dancing skills here and there, and yup, about that.

His phone rings, interrupting his thoughts.


"Hoseok hyung?" Taehyung's sweet voice speaks at the other end of the line.

"Oh, hey Tae! Is everything okay?" He asks curiously, after all, why would the younger call him so early in the morning?

"Everything's fine. I was just wondering whether we could talk or something like that," Hoseok feels his palms get clammy.

Go on a date with him.

Yoongi's voice speaks up inside his head and Hoseok finally gets a grip.

"Sure! Would you like to have lunch with me? We can count it as a date if you'd like," Hoseok says, feeling like a nerve-wreck. Taehyung laughs a bit.

"Sure! Can it be today?" He can basically hear Taehyung's smile on the end of the line and he's glad that the younger hadn't rejected him.

"Tae... I have class today..." Hoseok says a bit sadly.

"On a Sunday?"

Hoseok stops to think for a while.

"Isn't it Monday?"

"Umm... no?"

Hoseok starts to laugh at his stupidity. He actually didn't have any class.

"Okay, yeah I'm definitely confused today. How about 2 o'clock?" Taehyung agrees and Hoseok texts him the address of a restaurant he had been looking forward to go.

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