We Are Bulletproof Pt.2

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"I really don't know what I should do... I don't want to quit Law," Jimin sighs, staring at the contract. All his practice hours were at the same time as his studying times.

"I'm sorry, Jimin, but you'll have to give up something. At least I can guarantee you one thing. You will debut soon. Even sooner than you think of," Bang Sihyuk says, smiling.


"If you're not feeling safe, then you can just take a leave of absence if you'd like. Then you can return to your classes normally if you feel like you don't want to be in the boygroup anymore," Mr. Bang says and Jimin this time agrees with him.

He wouldn't leave the university. He would just leave it for a little bit of time.

"Okay," he takes the pen and signs the paper.

May this not be a mistake.


"Yoongi? What are you doing here?" His father looks utterly surprised as he opens the door.

"Hey, may I talk to you for a second?" He says coldly but with a warm expression.

"Of course! Come in," his father lets him in and closes the door behind him, motioning for him to sit on the couch.

"So? What did you want to tell me?" His father smiles, happy to see his child there. Maybe Yoongi would finally forgive him.

"I came here to tell you... that I'm taking a leave of absence from my major," he says, trying to be strong. His father's smile immediately falters.

"Why is that?"

"I want to become a musician. I want to spread my music, my lyrics around the world. I know that it is a silly dream. But I finally got the opportunity to be able to do so. And you can hate me, you can disown me. I don't care. Just know that your child will finally be who he wants to be and not hide behind his parents back anymore. I've grown and I can make my own decisions. I just came here to inform you so you wouldn't be that surprised when I debuted," Yoongi stands up, ready to leave before his father gets the chance to say anything.

"Yoongi... think about this for a second. Are you going to throw all your smartness away? Everything that you've been wanting for your whole life?" His father stands up as well and follows him until the door.

"Being a doctor was never my dream. I don't want to be trapped in someone else's dream anymore," he closes the door and leaves, relief flooding his soul.

He was finally....



"Hey, love. Are you ready?" Yoongi asks smiling.

Jimin intertwines their fingers.

"Me too... let's go, baby," he leads them to the set.

"I love you, baby," he kisses him once.

"I love you too, Yoongi," Jimin smiles.

The lights go off and all you can hear is the sound of the song playing in the background.

"얌마 꿈은 뭐니?"


A/N: I'll be posting the epilogue soon and my heart aches so much rn... this story is my child.

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