Blood Sweat & Tears (Pt.1)

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Yoongi starts. So broken, so sad. He was crestfallen and so lonely, so wrecked.
The words he said, what he had said, all of that, all of that wasn't true. His insecurity and impulsiveness got in the way of his thinking, and most importantly, his mouth. The words simply spilled out the moment he thought Jimin would leave.

Leave. The word Yoongi heard the most. The word he heard coming out of all his girlfriends, all his one night stands and most importantly, his brother's mouth. The word he didn't want to hear Jimin say.

Everyone eventually left him, even his parents. Yes, he had a nice family but his parents were so busy working that Yoongi was always left alone. Even now, he didn't speak much with those that once said they loved him, every single day.

Jimin. He was the only one that understood. What it felt like to be lonely, to hate yourself. To look at the mirror and feel only a single emotion: failure. Feel the disappointment of who you are. Have vivid nightmares every time because your mind plays tricks on you, yearning to be your greatest enemy.

But Yoongi lied. He lied for the sake of himself. He didn't want Jimin to see how pathetic Min Suga was in reality but, it didn't work. He wasn't good enough, convincing enough. And now Jimin looked at him with teary eyes, expecting.

Expecting what, exactly? Yoongi couldn't think straight. He had come here, yes. But he didn't exactly think of the reason why. His room was like a magnet. No. Jimin was like a magnet. He simply knew the other would be here. He doesn't know what to say. He didn't want to be hurt anymore. Even more importantly, hurt Jimin anymore.

Jimin sits down, in front of him and Yoongi retreats a little further. The other's eyes stare deep into his and both shed a few tears. This couldn't be happening. How come both of them were this broke, this hurt?

Yoongi should apologize. He should kneel down on corn just because of what he had said.  He should say "sorry" until his lungs ran out ou breath. But there was only one thing on his mind, that came out by ragged breaths and slow words.

"Ji-jimin...w-will you lea-leave me?"Jimin gets closer and falls on Yoongi, his arms around his body. Then he realizes. The other hadn't fallen. He was hugging Yoongi. Tight. And Yoongi hugged him back with the same strength.

Both cried on each other's shoulders, Yoongi leaning on the wall and Jimin on top of him. They were broken,but they were together. They were sad but they still had one another. They didn't know each other for a long time, but their bond was stronger than most people's.

Jimin almost didn't cry but Yoongi sobbed on the other's t-shirt, grabbing its fabric to have something to hold on to.

"So-sorry. I'm so sorry. F-forgive me," he says between sobs and Jimin nods softly.

"I could never leave you, Yoongi," Jimin holds him even tighter, even closer. They might have looked insane, crying on their bedroom floor, but they didn't care. They didn't mind.

"I forgive you, I really do. But...why did you lie?I trusted you and you lied to me..."Jimin retreats a little to look Yoongi in the eye. Yoongi gives him back the same glare, the same look. No more lying.

"To protect you from reality. To protect you from the loser that I am. I know that I hurt you, and I know that you might not want to speak to me for the rest of your life. But I tried. I tried to keep a secret away from you to protect your fantasy, and I just ended up breaking your heart and mine along with that. I know. I only cared at that moment for my personal feelings. I'm selfish and I hate myself for that. I hate myself for being insecure. I hate myself for saying those things the moment I realized you would..." leave. Yoongi doesn't finish his sentence and turns away, looking to the side. He couldn't bare seeing Jimin's face now.

How could the other one even speak to him after this?

Jimin slowly touches his face and gently moves it to his eye-level. He kisses Yoongi's cheek softly and whispers on his ear;

"Thank you," and plants another kiss on his cheek. Then, he whispers on the other ear; "Thank you. For being like me. Thank you, for being so messed up. Thank you, for comprehending me like no one else ever did. Thank you, for in the end being honest and telling me the truth. And thank you for being Min Suga. I wouldn't want anyone else to be my favorite idol other than you."

Now, he stops and carefully pecks his lips, ever so gently.

"And I would be thankful if you had a single thought on your mind the whole day: 'Jimin will never leave me.' Because it's the truth, after all."

Yoongi lets a single tear drop and Jimin wipes it away. They put their foreheads together and Yoongi feels that his heart is about to leave his chest. This was so peaceful, so magical. He could feel Jimin's steady breaths on his face, hitting his skin like delicate flower petals.

He had never felt anything like that. Those feelings, that peacefulness. It was so strange yet, so good. He rubs small circles on Jimin's chubby cheeks and feels the smaller's soft skin under his fingertips. How wonderful, how beautiful.

Their faces approach and a kiss, sweet as sugar happens. They go slowly and carefully as if they were sixth graders having their first kiss. It's so innocent. Why rushing? Yoongi wanted to stay in that kiss for ever. He starts pecking Jimin's face, making the other smile. The grin he loved so much. There it was. Yoongi smiles brightly.

"I love your smile, so, so much,"Jimin grins even wider and giggles. Yoongi kisses the other's eyelids,nose and lips, his smile seeming endless. He gets up from the hard wooden floor, lifting Jimin up. They lay together on Yoongi's bed, side by side.

They stare at each other simply giggling. Was this how it felt to like somebody?
Yoongi spoons his roomate and carefully covers them both with a blanket. Passing his hand throughout the younger's arm, feeling his milky soft skin, he plants a last single kiss on his neck, before falling asleep, along with Jimin.


Yoongi wakes up before his roommate. The other had come so close during the night that his body warmed Yoongi more than a heater. He sees his roommate's fluttering eyelids and immediately feels a thump on his chest. Why did Park Jimin made him feel like this?

He looks at the clock and a "shit" comes out of his mouth. It was already 8 o'clock.

"Jimin. Hey, Jiminnie. Wake up," Yoongi says while planting soft kisses all over his face. Jimin smiles and turns around to face Yoongi,with his eyes still closed.

"Good morning~" he says and Yoongi grins.

"Listen, baby, I would love to stay in bed with you all day long, but it's 8 o'clock already..."

Jimin interrupts Yoongi.

"Say it again, call me that one more time," Jimin says now with his eyes half opened.

"Call you what? Baby?" Jimin nods shyly and Yoongi hugs him.

"Well, you're a cute small baby, but my baby. Nobody else's,"Yoongi finishes and Jimin happily kisses his cheek. Jimin looks at something behind him and immediately widens his eyes.

"It's 8 o'clock already??" He gets up and Yoongi shivers, coldness seeping in, because the warm body next to him simply decided to get ready to school.

Yoongi watched while Jimin changed, his abs, his thighs.How the hell did that boy think he was ugly? He was one of the most beautiful human beings Yoongi had seen on his life, if not, the most beautiful one.

Jimin eagerly kisses his cheek and leaves. He would come back though, and that is what made Yoongi smile.

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