Cypher PT.2 (Pt.1)

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"I think you're drunk, Jimin," the barman says and Jimin sniffs one more time, laying his head down on the counter.

"Maybe I am Chen. Maybe I am," he mumbles not even knowing what to say.

Chen was the barman that Jimin had met by utterly talking nonsense to him in his still shook state. Chen did his best to understand and help but, that was starting to become a difficult task. The bar was mostly empty since it was 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Jimin had been there the whole morning, befriending the barman that made an extra effort to give him advice.

"How does one drink that much at this time of the day, I wonder. Because of money? Because of its job? Or is it because of a broken heart?" Chen starts wondering out loud and Jimin finally lifts his head.

"Yes! A broken heart. It might be that Mr.Dinosaur.... Mr.Dinosaur. Mr.Dinosaur. Haha. That's funny right? It's because you look like a dinosaur, get it?" Jimin giggles out loud like a child and Chen hits the younger's head.

"Yah! Call me dinosaur one more time and I swear that I will stop talking to you just to work," Chen looks around the bar and the customers waiting for their drinks. There weren't many but he didn't feel like working. He wanted to chat. Kai took care of the other customers anyway.

"So, you have a broken heart. Who broke your heart Jiminnie?" Jimin stops giggling and starts crying softly again. Chen apologizes for being curious and sticking his nose where he shouldn't, but Jimin is still hurt while crying on the dirty table.

"I h-hate him so much Mr.Dinosaur. He tore my heart apart," Jimin sniffs and Chen pats the other's head, trying to soothe the pain.

"It's okay Jimin. What is his name? If you say it you will probably feel better..." Jimin nods and starts speaking.

"H-his name is..."

"Jimin!" The short male turns around and sees Taehyung with somebody else. He immediately smiles. His friend actually came.

"TAETAE! What took you so long??" He hugs his friend tightly and doesn't let go. Taehyung passes his hand around his hair in soothing motions, relaxing the other that was crying silently on his shoulder.

"Shhhh. It's okay. I'm here," Taehyung hugs him tight as well, glad to see that his friend was okay.

"What happened? How did you get here?" Taehyung asks, curious to know. Jimin in his still fragile state does his best to explain.

"S-something happenned this morning and I felt so sad that I came here to drink. I stayed here for the whole day and befriended Mr.Dinosaur there. Then you came," Jimin lets go of the hug and points at the barman while explaining his story. The man that came with Taehyung seemed to be holding in his laughter at first but, he suddenly explodes and starts laughing so hard that tears come out of his eyes.

"Mr.Dinosaur??? Wait till Chanyeol hears about this. Better pray for your dear life Mr.Dinosaur," he laughs again and Chen jumps over the counter ready to attack the other.

"Yah! Chen! Don't hit the midget that came with Taetae. That's very rude," Jimin says seriously and now it's Chen's turn to laugh.

"Hear that Baekhyun? Even Jimin thinks you're a midget," Chen puts his tongue out on a childish move and Baekhyun exhales.

"What did I do to deserve such friends, dear God?" Baekhyun looks up at the ceiling as if praying.

Jimin sniffs one more time and he already feels better because he felt safe. His friends(s) were with him. The alcohol however, makes him feel a tad bit dizzy and he almost falls out of Taehyung's arms.

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