I Need U (Pt.3)

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Yoongi lays down on his bed and Jimin gets a few supplies he already had to patch Yoongi up. Yoongi realizes that ever since he had that fight with Namjoon, Jimin had been storing first aid kits inside his closet. He was such a sweet boy...

Jimin gets closer and hovers over Yoongi, lifting his shirt up. The cold air hits his belly and he shivers. His skin is so sensitive to the cold that it is actually starting to become purple.

Jimin nods silently not making any comments about what he was seeing and Yoongi immediately feels a bit worried. Jimin wasn't the type to remain silent. Especially when he had to take care of Yoongi's bruises.

Jimin starts to pass a bit of disinfectant on Yoongi's left cut and Yoongi closes his eyes, whilst he grabs strongly Jimin's arm, flinching in pain. He groans and closes his mouth tightly, not willing to scream like a little girl.

Jimin presses the gauze once more on his cut and Yoongi holds onto his arm even harder. Jimin finishes taking care of that cut, always silent, and puts a plaster over it. Now he only had to take care of the other cut that had opened that was caused basically because of the guy that had stomped on him. The shoe's shape was still visible and Jimin stares at it for a while before getting another gauze and applying disinfectant on it as if nothing had happened.
He presses it on the cut and somehow this time it hurts more.

"Y-Yoongi. This is infected... I will have to clean it up and... and it might hurt a bit..." this is the most Jimin has ever said to him until now. Yoongi just nods. He trusted Jimin. Maybe he was the one majoring Medicine, but Jimin knew how to patch him up even better than himself.

Jimin searches for something on the first-aid kit box and he finally founds a bottle of iodine. That was going to hurt.

Yoongi closes his eyes and Jimin presses strongly on the cut a cotton filled with the substance. Yoongi lets out a small scream. Then a small drop of hot water falls on his cut. He opens his eyes. Jimin was crying.

"I-I can't do this a-anymore. K-knowing that I caused this. K-knowing that you'd be fine if it weren't for me. Your body, your beautiful body, your beautiful skin is so b-bruised and I-I can't," Jimin shakes his head and puts his hands on his face.

"Jimin," Yoongi takes Jimin's hands out of his face, "baby, look at me. It's okay. What's done is done. And again, just because I made a stupid decision, doesn't mean you have to feel guilty. Don't put everything on your shoulders. Let me handle these issues as well. Don't feel guilty for everything. It's okay. Even though it's not your fault, you can help by trying to help me fix myself. Can you help me out here? Can you be my dear baby and help me heal myself?" Yoongi asks while pressing a kiss on Jimin's hand. Jimin wipes the tears of his face and nods.

"Y-Yeah..." Yoongi holds his screams in while Jimin finishes passing iodine on the cut. He gets a band-aid and plasters it over the wound. Yoongi lets a sigh he didn't know he was holding in. God, was he tense.

"Baby... come here," Jimin lets out a feel more tears and hugs Yoongi, them both laying on his bed. Yoongi's hand goes through the other's hair and he feels its scent one more time.

"You smell so good..." Jimin is still sniffing, yet Yoongi can feel the other's smile on his neck.

"Yoongi... I want to be with you but we have to go back to class," Jimin says and Yoongi sighs once more.

Great. Another five hours without Jimin.


"Yoongi are you sure you're okay? Like, very sure?" Dasom asks and Yoongi smiles.

"Yeah. I am very sure," he giggles once more and Dasom just stares at him like he was an alien.

"I don't know you anymore," she says and Yoongi grins.


He could consider himself right now as happy as Hoseok. And that was concerning. Very concerning. What was even happening to him? He got this bubbly feeling on his stomach and he just wanted to scream whilst jumping around. Was that how being Hoseok felt like?

He starts to focus a bit more on the lyrics he was writing because he didn't feel like paying much attention to class. Also, he couldn't even see the board straight with his amazing, screwed up eye.

"Every time I wanted to give up,
By my side you said:
Bastard you can really do it
Yeah, yeah
I remember back then
When I was fed up and lost
Back then when I fell into a pit of despair
Even when I pushed you away
Even when I resented meeting you
You were firmly by my side
You didn't have to say anything
So don't ever let go of my hand
I won't let you go ever again either."

Would Jimin get the meaning behind those words? Would he smile when Yoongi rapped that song for the first time on their next concert? He taps his pencil repeatedly on his notebook, wondering about life.

"'Min Yoongi? Can you tell me why are hemoglobins red?" He was so unfocused he didn't even realized that the teacher was speaking to him.

"Umm... because of the porphyrin?" The teacher looks at him with a deadly glare.

"Correct," of course it was. Yoongi wasn't stupid. Jesus why did his teacher hate him so much?

"Dasom, can we do part of our project on Tuesday?" He asks and Dasom nods, not paying much attention to him, more to what their teacher was saying.

Yoongi feels distracted again. What was going on with him? He needs to focus.


Stop. I need to focus.

Jimin's smile.

Jimin's smile is so beautiful right? Like, I wonder how such precious boy ended up- stop!

Even his own brain didn't cope with him.

The bell finally rings and Namjoon is already waiting for him at the door. They always had their group meetings on Thursday.

"What's up?" Namjoon puts an arm around him and Yoongi smiles.

"Everything great. Why do you ask?" Namjoon looks at him like he was a stranger.

"Are you one of those people that don't take rejection very well and end up pretending that they are very happy when they are actually dying on the inside?" Yoongi laughs.

"I'm fine really," Namjoon stares at him still in a weird manner.


They both head to the University's Music Department.

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