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Jimin leaves the pharmacy a little bit sad. That morning, he had called his psychiatrist. He would have to go back to taking his pills or his panic attacks would continue to happen and possibly get even worse.

The bag goes up and down on his wrist, shaking all the things that were inside.

He didn't want to tell his friends about what had happened. He hoped that Yoongi kept it a secret. If they found out, they would be worried again, and Jimin would be a burden... again. When would Jimin stop feeling so... useless? When would he feel needed, wanted?

Jimin opens the door to his room and surprisingly, Yoongi is there. He immediately goes to Jimin, concerned.

"Are you okay?"

Jimin smiles brightly as if nothing happened.

"I'm fine hyung, just a couple of nightmares, thats all." Yoongi scoffs.

"Cut it out Jimin. You can trick all of your friends, you can trick your family, but not me. Do you think I was born yesterday? I know what a panic attack looks like. Don't think you can fool me because you can't. I also do whatever it takes to pretend to be someone that I ain't."

Jimin is speechless. Yoongi had him all figured out, he couldn't even fight the older back.

"You know nothing about me Min Yoongi."

The older boy only shakes his head in disapproval. "What is in the bag then?" He points to the pharmacy bag, as if he had already won the battle.

"Nothing..." Jimin hides the bag behind his back and Yoongi takes a few steps foward. Meanwhile, Jimin takes a few steps back.

"What. Is. In. The. Bag. Jiminnie?" Jimin hits the wall.

This was his end. Yoongi had his face so close to his, he needed to remember how to breath properly.

"You don't need to lie to me, Jiminnie." Yoongi reaches forward to get the bag.

Jimin closes his eyes. This was it, everyone would know he was insane and he would never be accepted anymore.

He can almost feel the bag being ripped out of his hands even though it's not.

The only thing that happens are the soft lips that conjoin his.

Yoongi was... kissing him.

He immediately drops the bag on the floor and puts both hands on Yoongi's head to deepen the kiss. He wanted more. Yoongi's kisses were like drugs, addictive and dangerous. Yoongi kisses him rougher, pinning him to the wall. Jimin moans on his mouth. "Yoongi"; Yoongi kisses him even deeper, turned on by hearing Jimin say his name.

They were a hot mess, hairs getting out of place, shirts being crumpled. But they didn't care. No, not at all. Yoongi feels Jimin's abs under his shirt.

"God, you're so hot. I want you all for me." Jimin whimpers, this felt so good. So right.

They are interrupted by a doorknock.

Jimin looks at him with wide eyes. What if people found out about them?

"Yoongi... I have to answer it." Yoongi nods and Jimin ties up his hair before opening the door with a smile. A very beautiful girl was there. He hears Yoongi mumble a bad word under his breath and Jimin know something is wrong. The girl smiles.

"Hi! I'm Yoongi's girlfriend. Is he here?"

Jimin's smile fades as his world crashes down.

Fucking Perfect | Yoonmin [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now