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Now, facing each other with a lot of hate, Namjoon and Yoongi sit comfortably on opposite beds. Yoongi on Jimin's and Namjoon on Yoongi's, both being treated by nurse Jimin. The bruises on their faces weren't really bad but, from what Jimin could see, both had their arms and hands quite purple, just like Namjoon's eye that seemed to be throbbing.

So before understanding what the actual hell was going on, Jimin decided to treat their injuries so they wouldn't get worse. Jimin just breaths in and out, controlling himself. This was supposed to be his day, his time to settle in and get adapted to the new background. Yet, here he was, splitting up fights and putting on Band-aids on other people's cheeks. Could life get really any better?

Oh, but it can, because as soon as Jimin thinks this, someone barges into the room once again. Hoseok. Jimin tries to keep his breathing steady but, as he speaks his voice does not seem controlled at all. "Does anyone else feels like barging into my room to pick random fights in front of random strangers?? Because if you feel like doing this, just come to apartment 21B! Here is the place!" He looks like a mad person shouting things Iike that, but he really couldn't care less as he passed some iodine (he chose it because it would hurt more) on Namjoon's face, the other screaming in pain and Jimin smiling so brightly like sunshine itself.

"So... how you doing Jimin?" Jimin smiled brightly and Hoseok knew it was fake.

"I'm fine hyung, just splitting up children fights and wondering how the heck do you know the entire campus."

Yoongi begins to speak, "I'm not actually a child, I'm very manly and also, swag..."

"SHUT UP!" The other three interrupt him as if they all knew he was a brat, just like the others. Hoseok tries to smile as if to relieve a bit of the tension but Namjoon and Yoongi were still behaving like children and Jimin was going insane.

"Why are you here Hoseok? Please tell." Jimin was being a bit harsh but he was indeed curious. Why would Hoseok come here before even settling himself in?

"I actually came here to see if you knew about Sug..." Hoseok couldn't even finish his sentence as Jimin jumped on him, hugging him tight.

"I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW;" he couldn't even control his feelings anymore. He had been dying to speak about this with someone and his only friend that actually enjoyed Cypher was Hoseok.

"I mean, DID YOU HEAR HIS HUSKY VOICE? Is he the descendant of a god or what? Wait... maybe he is God himself! I just wish I could stick my tongue down his throat to feel where all those raps come from. I wish I could meet him! You know what's the worst? Even if I met him, even if he was seated on my bed, I would still not recognize him. I mean,what are the odds..." He hears Yoongi laughing hard and wonders what is going on. That hyung was so random.

"Just fix my face up, before you end up speaking about that guy the rest of your day." Namjoon also smiled.

Jimin gets his supplies and starts to treat Yoongi's injuries as he still spoke with Hoseok about Agust D. "He is so hot my dear lord. How can someone rap that fast? Is that even possible?"

Namjoon shrugged. "I still think that Rap Monster is the best among Cypher."

Jimin's face lights up and he grins. "You know them? Oh my God! I've never met anyone but Hoseok that knows them. Finally someone else to share my fanboying with." Jimin starts to press the cotton filled with iodine on Yoongi's cheek (yes, he was fair, the same goes for both), but instead of flinching or screaming, Yoongi's reaction was not the one Jimin expected. Not at all.

Yoongi stared at Jimin's eyes peacefully as if only focusing on the younger's face. He watched every movement Jimin did as if they were the most important thing in the world. As if Jimin was important. No. Jimin wasn't important, he couldn't bring himself to think that he was. He glimpses at the mirror that he gently put on his side of the wall. No one could ever care for him. He was ugly and unconfident, flaws that people hated. Even if Jimin wished with all his forces, Min Yoongi could never like him.

Hoseok interrupts his thoughts. "Umm..... Jimin, me and Namjoon have some stuff to do right now, so we'll just leave you two to unpack your stuff and relax for the rest of the day okay? Also, Namjoon and Yoongi talk it out the next time before jumping at each other's throats." Namjoon rolls his eyes and both Yoongi and Jimin say goodbye to the 94' liners.

Jimin hears the faint click of the door closing as he finishes cleaning the last bruise. Yoongi is still paying attention to him. "There. I think it's over..." Jimin can't speak anymore because two arms wrapped around his waist and pulled him downwards on the bed. He yelps and suddenly, Yoongi is on top of him.

Yoongi's face gets very close and he decides to do the one question Jimin doesn't know how to answer.

"How are you so beautiful?" Jimin stops. He wasn't beautiful. He was ugly. He wasn't as muscular as the other kids, he was a straight nerd that only cared about grades. How could Yoongi ask something like that? How could he be such a... liar? Jimin pushes him off.

"You know, you don't need to lie to get inside my pants. Some people even used to say that I was very easy." He gets up, puts on his earphones and leaves the room, slamming the door with a bang.

A/N: Wow, Jimin is me

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