Blood Sweat & Tears (Pt.2)

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"How about: There is a bitter next to your sweet?" Yoongi scratches his head, thinking hard, and nods.

"Yeah. That works," he looks at Namjoon with an approving glare. Namjoon smiles happily and sits down next to Yoongi.

Namjoon had done a pact at the beginning of the year with the other rapper. He couldn't sit down and eat with him until he showed up with new lyrics to help out their new song.

Both sat at their usual spot, which was on a table outside the university cafeteria. Yoongi was more of a indoor person, but he couldn't have lunch in that tight cafeteria with people loudly talking around him. He'd rather stay outside, hearing the birds.

His books took half of the bench which he sat on. He usually had four hours of class, one hour of lunch and for the rest of the day, more classes. He had a very tiring week, usually with 8 hours of class each day, if not more because of extracurricular classes.

Speaking of the devil...

"Good afternoon, my beautiful hyungs!"Jimin arrives with Taehyung/V. He still seemed a little uncomfortable around them, however, not as much as the first time he had met the group. Jimin sits down next to Yoongi and inside, Yoongi is doing a small victory dance.

"So...what should I exactly call you? V? Taehyung? Jimin's friend?" He needed to clear that out. Really. He was very confused.

The other smiles shyly.

"You can just call me Taehyung if you'd like," Yoongi nods. Well, one thing at least sorted out.

"Well...anyway, did you guys know that he's majoring exactly what I am too? We have almost the same classes!" Jimin starts jumping up and down on the bench and Yoongi pulls him down by the shoulder before the bench breaks.

"That's nice. What are you guys majoring?" Namjoon asks and Yoongi is proud to know the answer.

"We are both studying Law. But I also take part in the Dance club to learn different styles of dance, right now to be more exact, its Hip-Hop style," Jimin speaks a bit shyly as if embarrassed.

"That's nice Jimin. And how has it been going with the student loans and such? I know how expensive Law can be..." now Yoongi was really curious. What if Jimin was short on money? He didn't seem to be very rich.

Jimin smiles and looks down as if embarrassed.

"Actually, my scholarship covers the course almost completely and I only have to pay 15% of it so..." now Yoongi was impressed. Jimin also had a scholarship. Yes, Yoongi had earned a full scholarship to study Medicine, but still.

Jimin puts a few strands of hair that had fallen behind his ear, and Yoongi feels like he should be the one to do that. Why did he feel like this, he didn't know. He also noticed that he was staring at Jimin for a while, because Jimin looks at him, with curious eyes.

"Hyung? Is everything alright?" He discretely takes Yoongi's hand and squeezes it, looking worried. Their talk was so hushed that, not even Namjoon could hear the carefulness and sweetness between their lines. 

"I'm okay. It's just that you, Park Jimin, are simply amazing," Yoongi whispers on his ear, squeezes his hand back and lets go. Jimin's cheeks were the same color as his fading orange hair, that now returned to its original dark color.

Jimin's phone rings, interrupting their beautiful moment. He answers and immediately leaves the table to get a bit more of privacy. From what Yoongi heard him say, that was probably Jungkook. Which he had kissed. Which was Jimin's best friend. Which he shouldn't be envolved with. God, was Yoongi born to screw up things?

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