First Love (Pt.2) (Taekook Centered)

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Jimin gapes at him.

Jungkook again can't do anything but wait for the information to settle in.
He looks up and sighs.

"Jimin... I need your help," he tries, now looking at his hyung. Jimin nods and pays attention, waiting for the request.

"I still love him hyung. I-I after all that he has done to me... I still love him. I'm so dumb..." Jungkook puts his face on his hands.

"Hey now..." Jimin takes Jungkook's hands from his face, "don't be like this Kookie. I mean, it seems like both of you didn't even talk this out. It seems like this matter is unfinished. You need closure. You need to speak with Taehyung and understand why. Why he did this," Jimin brushes Jungkook's hair out of his forehead and Jungkook feels like a little child once again. His hyung cared for him.

"W-what makes me the most sad is that... yesterday... when I told him that he had cheated on me, he had such a confused glare on his face as if he hadn't done this. As if he hadn't hurt me. When he said that he'd never cheated on me, I almost believed him hyung. Almost," Jungkook explains once more.

"Listen, Jungkook. I am going to ask you a question and I want you to be honest with me, okay?" Jungkook nods. "What did you guys do last night?"

"Umm... wesortofhadsex," Jungkook says rapidly but he is sure that Jimin has heard it, because Jimin rolls his eyes.

"I can't believe you guys. Your relationship is more messed up than mine and Yoon..." Jimin stops in mid-sentence and Jungkook stands up.

"A-ha! And I'm not talking about the band. What is your relationship with Yoongi, Jimin?"

Now it was Jimin's turn to put his hands on his face. Jungkook shakes his head in disappointment.

"Hyung... I just told you everything that happened to me... and you still won't trust me. What has happened to us? Burying ourselves deep down in secrets and keeping everything inside. We weren't like this," Jungkook says thoughtfully and Jimin takes his head out of his head to look at his dongsaeng.

"You're right... we are even more messed up then our own relationships. We should be telling everything to each other..." Jimin says sadly and Jungkook puts his pinkie out for his hyung.

"Do you promise for now on to tell me everything?" Jungkook gives him his bunny smile.

"Only if you promise to tell me everything too," Jimin smiles brightly. Jungkook agrees.

"Deal," they interlace their pinkies and laugh.

Jimin becomes serious. "Listen, I didn't want to tell you about Yoongi because I don't know what we are."

Jungkook is curious now.

"What do you mean?" Jimin sighs.

"We've done a few things together, and yes, when you opened my bedroom's door yesterday we were doing some... obscene.... things...." Jungkook smiles at that. Jeon Jungkook was never wrong."Anyway, the trouble is that I don't know if he's my boyfriend, or my friend or even if he really cares about me. What if he's just playing with me, you know? I've never felt this way and I... I am falling hard for him Jungkook. I don't want to be hurt again."

The autumn leaves fall. The afternoon sun irradiates them and the park actually feels comfortable, nice. But, as he looks at Jimin all he sees is a cloud of darkness around him, that was probably covering him too.

"Oh, Jimin... I know how you feel... but, shouldn't you give him a chance? Maybe you're getting the wrong picture here. Maybe he's actually feeling the way you feel but he just won't say it, same goes for you," Jungkook tries to comfort the older.

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