Where Did You Come From? Pt.4

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Jimin wakes up in the morning feeling better about himself. It was funny how life worked. Five days ago he was in the verge of crying, dancing his heart out for a idiotic girl that broke up with him. Today he was enrolled in the university of his dreams and had a boy that he could have some fun with.

Jimin finally packs the last bag and leaves the small apartment he lived in. Now he had somewhere else to go. The university dorms.


When Jimin arrives at Converse University, Hoseok is already waiting for him with that goofy smile of his that Jimin shares as well, feeling happier than normal too. His dreams are finally coming true, after all.

"Hey Jiminnie! How are you doing?"

"I'm fine hyung! Only curious to see who is going to be my roommate for the rest of the year..."

"Me too, Jimin. Let's go check that list out." They walk towards the university's main notice board and see the huge roommates list standing right there.

"I heard that this year, the university board decided to put the older students with the freshmen, so the older ones can present the university well for the freshmen. So, who knows? Maybe I'll be your roommate, huh?" Hoseok smiles while reading the list.

Jimin smiles back at him. That would be so nice.

The smile quickly fades off as he finds his name standing right to the only name he didn't expect.

The one that would sleep by his side for a whole year, the one he would share a room with, was nobody else but Min Yoongi.

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