Can You Turn Off Your Phone? Pt.3

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"Yoongi, can you wake up please? W-w-wake up you have to waaaaake up, yeah hear my voice~~" Yoongi wakes up to the annoying sound of a high-pitched voice on his ear. He could already tell who it was.

"Shut up Jaehwan, let me sleep," he says putting his face on the pillow and trying to sleep for a few more minutes.

"Nuh-uh! Yoongi, it's already past one o'clock in the afternoon and I've let you sleep enough. Now, be the cute, little dongsaeng that you are and wake up. Or would rather prefer to be ranked down to Sanghyuk's level of childishness?" Yoongi opens his eyes immediately.

"Nope! I'm fine! See? Just waking up! Please don't compare me to that child that calls himself a man," Yoongi smiles dearly as if begging to his hyung. Jaehwan smiles back, being the nice person that he was.

"Of course not, sugar baby. You're way more mature than that kid," Jaehwan smiles once more and starts humming a few other songs as Yoongi goes to the bathroom to wash up.

Yoongi had slept on Jaehwan's dorm at Jellyfish University. As soon as his hyung had heard that Yoongi was "homeless" for the night, he immediately took the younger in (his roommate was out for the night anyways).

Yoongi simply adored his hyung. He always sang for him when he was upset and somehow the older could always manage to brighten up his mood. He even cooked Yoongi's favorite meals when he was sad. He really was grateful for having such an amazing person like that in his life.

He leaves the bathroom, felling refreshed and clean and Jaehwan waits for him, sitting on his bed. He gets up. "Come on, let's go grab some lunch before it gets too late," Jaehwan grins tenderly and Yoongi nods, both leaving the room.

"So...Yoongi," Jaehwan starts and the other pays attention to him, "would you care to tell me why you didn't want to sleep in your room tonight? Or is it a secret?" Yoongi laughs dryly.

Could it be that he was afraid of being at his room or more afraid of the people that were in it? For now, he decides to just give him a simple answer.

"My roommate was probably going to take this girl to our room and do... stuff... with her so I just decided to stay somewhere else for the night. Thank you by the way hyung," Yoongi gives the most thankful expression he can manage and the two of them continue to walk towards the restaurant. That is, until someone almost tackles Jaehwan down.

"Jaehwannie, I missed you~~," Wonsik pouts. Jaehwan giggles like a high school girl and kisses Wonsik's pout away. "I missed you too," they smile and Wonsik envelops Jaehwan in the most tight hug Yoongi has ever seen.

They had been dating for three years and they still managed to keep their relationship ongoing. Yoongi wondered how. His longest relationship lasted for about four months. Maybe, if he was in a relationship with Jimin they could actually last a lifetime. That would be so amazing...

Yoongi had to let go of these thoughts now. He knew that he couldn't maintain a relationship, much less break an innocent child's heart. Jimin looks better without him anyway.

"We're here!" The three of them enter the restaurant, Jaehwan and Wonsik getting a few hateful glares because their hands were intertwined. They didn't care though. If people didn't want to accept them, so be it. They didn't need anyone's approval to be what they wanted to be.

"Good afternoon! I will be your waitress for today. My name is Dasom, so feel free to call me if you want anything. For now, would anyone like to ask their beverages?" Yoongi looks at the waitress. She was hot. And he wonders why that thought popped up in his head. What was happening to him? Yoongi's hormones were out of control.

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