No More Dream

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A/N: Businessman Jiminnie


"Yoongi-ah we have to wake up," Jimin says already getting out of his embrace.

"But why," he hugs Jimin tighter.

"Come on hyung, you can do this," Jimin says sweetly and kisses his cheek.

Jimin knew that today was probably not going to be a good day for the older. He was called to testify at the police station because his father had pressed charges on his mom for child abuse.

"I don't think I can," Yoongi sighs.

"Hey..." Jimin brings a hand to the older's cheek and caresses it. "It's going to be fine, you will be safe. I'm sure of it. Also, that woman needs to pay for what she has done to you," Jimin can feel his blood boil by just remembering her words.

Yoongi sighs again, "I hope that everything will turn out fine."

"It will, love," and Jimin gets up to get ready.


Jimin looks at his clock. 16:45. He was going to meet Cypher in 2 hours to talk about the prize that he just won. He knew that Yoongi wouldn't probably make it, but he knew that Hoseok would be there so it was fine.

He didn't know how to feel about Namjoon though. The older didn't know yet that he knew their secret Jimin would definitely try his best to prove he didn't know anything about it.

Meanwhile, he sits on the university's dance room, watching Howon do some sick moves with his feet. Howon finishes his routine and everyone claps, amazed at the dancer's steps.

"That was good," the teacher praises and notes down something.

"Park Jimin," he calls out and Jimin feels his stomach tighten in a knot.

If he did badly at this his grade would go down drastically. So he hoped that everything went well. He gets up, shaking a bit and one of his classmates plays the song he said he would dance.

The rhythm of "First Love" starts to play and the sound of a piano playing fills the room. Jimin was glad they were studying contemporary dance now. It was his favorite type of dance.

His body moves along with the song and his feet make soft movements on the floor.

The song comes slowly to an end and Jimin finally closes his eyes, ending his routine with a dramatic expression.

"Wahh!" His class almost shouts and starts to clap aggressively.

His teacher even throws him a smile.

"That was very good," he says and Jimin sits down, wiping the sweat off his forehead. He hoped it was good. After all, there weren't many things he was good at but this one.


Hopefully I can do well in this meeting too.


"Okay he will be here in 5 minutes, put your mask on," Hoseok tells Namjoon and both of them put their masks on as he hears a knock on the door.

Hoseok opens the door.

Jimin acts surprised, so Namjoon would think he was thrilled to see his idols in the flesh, and it works because Namjoon just nods cooly.

The lights are dim inside the recording room but Jimin just shrugs. He already knew what the members looked like anyways.

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