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Looking at the doors, the still bewildered, yet, cheery boy, tries to find the number of his new dorm that, because of the unpredictable destiny would be shared with Yoongi. Jimin honestly doesn't know how to feel about this. He and Yoongi had made out but, Yoongi seemed somehow to have a distant and cold personality like Jimin was nothing to him. And he probably was. Jimin had only "met" him a few days ago, after all.

The worst part was that he was all alone. Apart from not being assigned as Hoseok's roommate, Hoseok would also live in another building, that was about two miles away from Jimin's. In Converse University, the dorms were divided in blocks. Jimin lived in Block B, meanwhile Hoseok lived in Block A. Not to mention that Jin goes to Jellyfish University and Jungkook was still finishing his last year of school.

So, yep. Alone. Jimin was all alone in a new place, a new school, a new everything. Maybe Jimin was a little bit (a lot) nervous. And the Yoongi situation was definitely not helping.

Cranking up the music louder on his earphones, Jimin tries to ignore all the other people that were on the halls screaming or laughing or just being annoying in general. Not only didn't he want to hear his surroundings, he wanted to hear Suga's voice. The rapper had owned his heart, even though the older still remained mysterious.

Suga was a part of Cypher which was a trio of rappers: Rap Monster, J-Hope and Jimin's idol himself. No one knew who they were, since they always wore a mask that covered their eyes and nose, leaving their identity a mystery for all their fans. Which was probably one of the things that lead Jimin to them. Curiosity. He wanted to find out who they were, specially Suga, his ultimate bias, the one that had won his heart by his powerful rap.

The rapper had just released a mixtape that he had been working on for ages, which meant that it was very expected by everyone. When Jimin saw the pop-up notification on his cellphone saying "Agust D", he didn't even finish reading the whole notification before screaming his heart out. Could life get really any better?

Mumbling the lyrics of "Tony Montana", he finally founds it. Apartment 21B. He opens the door slowly and inside the room is...


Thank. You. God. Yoongi hadn't arrived yet for Jimin's luck. He smiles brightly. At least he wouldn't have to face hours of awkwardness because of a one time thing. He looks around the room and allows himself to be surprised.

The room is bigger than he thought. If you look at the dorms from the outside, it looks like the rooms are very tiny and small. Boy, was Jimin wrong.

It was huge, apart from being perfectly mirrored with two beds and two shelves decorating the sides of the room. He looks up front and sees a huge window that illuminated the whole room with bright sunlight. Beneath it, was the only thing the room wasn't mirrored at. A wooden table that seemed to be ideal for studying, that maybe Yoongi and Jimin could share, if it wasn't much of a bother to Yoongi.

There was also a door that was on the opposite wall of the window that led to small bathroom (the room was a suite). It was a very simple restroom but very practical, containing a small shower and a toilet that was nearby the sink. There was also a small closet near it, which wasn't very big, but it was enough for two people.

Jimin sits on the bed that he picks (the one on the right side) and puts his hands on his face, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding in. Everything was so...perfect.

"How can someone like me, Park Jimin deserve all this?," thought the boy that now smiled brightly. He prepares to get up to start unpacking when there is a loud knock on the door.

"Min freaking Yoongi. If you don't open this goddamn door right at this moment, I will destroy every little..." Jimin opens the door and a taller boy almost falls on top of him because of how much he was probably laying on the door.

What a clumsy boy.

The boy recomposes himself, although he still has a light blush on his cheeks as if he was embarrassed to knock (and also shout) at some random stranger's door. If this was still the original Jimin, he would actually be pissed and would hit the boy after telling him to never come back. But no. This was the other Jimin. This was the Jimin everybody liked.

The shorter boy smiles brightly as if nothing had happened. "Hello, I'm Yoongi's roommate, Jimin, and unfortunately he is not here now. Would you like to wait for him? It seems like you have an important matter to deal with him..." The tall, clumsy boy nods and smiles shyly.

"Thank you, it would be best if I waited. I'm Namjoon by the way." Namjoon smiles again and Jimin notices he has dimples. Cute.

Jimin sits down on the bed he picked and Namjoon on the other one, them staring awkwardly at each other since both had nothing to say. "So...," Namjoon begins to speak and Jimin smiles as if encouraging the other boy to speak. "...how long have you been here exactly? Because I don't think I've ever seen you, and trust me. I know everyone around here."

Jimin smiles once more. "Well, today is my first day here. That's probably why you've never seen me. But... you said you knew everyone. Do you know my best friend Jung Hoseok? He's quite famous around here as well..." Namjoon's face lights up, as he hears Hoseok's name and Jimin wonders why.

"Of course I know Hobi! He's one of my closest friends around here... he has never spoken of anyone named Jimin though."

Jimin nods in approval, "I never heard him speak about someone named Namjoon as well..." he starts wondering what Hoseok was up too. He also notices the way Namjoon referred his friend as "Hobi", a nickname Hoseok would only let his closest friends call him as (since it was a bit embarrassing because of its cuteness).

Stopping to think about it a little bit, Jimin doesn't know why his nickname was Hobi as well. He just called him that because it seemed nice.

There was certainly something fishy around here, and the shortest of them all was going to find out what it was.

When it seemed like both started to think way too deep about these Hoseok matters, someone enters the room without knocking. Jimin rolls his eyes, annoyed. Who these people think they are to just barge in his room? Do they think they own the room or something? Jimin looked at the intruder and immediately straightens his back.

It actually was the owner of the room. Yoongi was standing right in front of him. And he didn't seem happy.

"I'm gonna strangle you Namjoon. I will kill you, then sell your soul to the devil so you can be in the depths of hell for eternity you little mother-" before Yoongi could finish, Namjoon had tackled him to the floor and they were on each other's throats so fast that the only thing Jimin managed to do was bring his hand to his mouth while he watched the two fight.

When he saw a bit of blood, he knew someone had to stop them. So he did what he was best at. Screaming. He actually screamed three octaves higher than normal and that act seemed to do the trick. The two stopped fighting to put their hands on their ears. Jimin smiled. It always worked. Now it was time to get some order around here.

"Listen up you two. If I see any of you fighting or even slightly bleeding, I will scream in your ear so high, that you'll have to actually work to pay for a descent hearing aid. Get it?"

The two, still on the floor, gaped at Jimin. Who knew that, that short little guy had all this inside him.

A/N: I hope you're liking this fic😊

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