I Need U (Pt.2)

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The black haired boy looks at his watch. He would lose his entire lunch hour to talk to Park Jimin.

Jungkook takes him to a small restaurant that served Ramyun and Yoongi basically limps the whole way until there, making the others stare at them. It unfortunately looked like he just had a wild night with the younger next to him.

They enter the establishment and Yoongi surveys the room. Sitting on the last table, a blonde haired boy faced the wall and even though all he could see was his back, Yoongi is sure that it is his roommate.

Jungkook nods and goes away. His work here was done. Yoongi goes until the other's table and sits down in front of him.

Jimin looks at his coffee as if Yoongi wasn't there and doesn't even look to his face.

"Jimin," Yoongi says in a harsh tone and Jimin still wouldn't look. He couldn't even catch a glimpse of the other's emotions.

"Park Jimin," he grabs his arm strongly and Jimin flinches, looking up.

Now, they are staring at one another and Jimin looks tense. Finally had Yoongi caught the other's attention. Jimin looks down to Yoongi's hand that still held his arm and Yoongi lets go.

Yoongi asks the one question that would make Jimin ponder about what he had done.

"Park Jimin, why did you leave me?" Jimin looks to the side as if he's embarrassed and closes his eyes, letting a tear drop.

"Answer me, Jimin," Yoongi feels that he is being too harsh on the younger but he was way too hurt to even think about his words.

Jimin couldn't even look at his face. He kept staring at the window next to him, crying. He wouldn't say a word. But Yoongi needs to say what he's thinking. He needs to so Jimin would understand. Would understand that he likes him. That he isn't lying.

"You told me... you told me you'd never leave. I though that... I thought that I was finally having you to myself. I thought that you'd be mine. Can't you understand that I like you? Can't you understand that I want to be with you? That my heart craves for you? That everytime I'm with you all that goes through my mind are your touches, your smiles, your voice and nothing else? That when I'm far away I wonder if you're fine, if you're eating well, if you are smiling brightly when thinking about me? Can't you understand that you're beautiful no matter what? Can't you understand how much I love every little bit of you? That when you figured out about me being Suga and simply ran out of our dorm I got so worried because I didn't know where you where going or where you would be? I've never cried for someone before. I've never cared for someone before, no, not like this. I want to be with you. I want to take care of you. I want to hold you tight and scream to the world that you're mine. That we're together. As one.  Jiminnie... can't you see that I like you?"

Jimin looks at Yoongi and he starts to sob. He cries so hard Yoongi can feel the stares of the other customers' glares burning on them. Did they think they were fighting or something?

He grasps Jimin's arm and lifts him up. They couldn't do this in public. The others were already staring at them and Jimin wouldn't stop crying. Yoongi starts to drag him outside, however the younger stops suddenly and starts to speak.

"I h-hate y-you Min Yoongi!" He starts to yell between sobs, " I h-hate that you make me feel this way. That you have such an easy access to my heart. That is why I don't want to d-date you. You have so much power over me that I start to feel scared. Y-you could tell me to kill myself and I'd probably do that in the blink of an eye. B-because I like you so much.  And that scares me. What if you stop liking me? What if you leave me alone? What if I become so ugly that you won't even want me anymore? I'd be so heartbroken, so, sad. And I can't let that happen. But I still like you so so much. And I just want to shout to the world," he screams, " I LIKE MIN YOONGI; because that is how I feel. T-this is how I truly feel. And I hate it. I hate that I like you and I hate that I left you too. I said I'd never leave, I said that I would take care of you. I-I promised to be there for you and y-you look so broken now and that only makes me once again be sure of the awful person that I am. I don't deserve to be with you. I don't deserve..." Yoongi kisses him, shutting him up.

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