Boy In Luv (Pt.3)

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"I told you guys that I saw something suspicious today! Nobody believed me and I'm traumatized..." Jungkook pouts and Jin pats his head dearly. 'Spoiled child' is all that comes to Jimin's mind.

"Really, Jungkook? Playing the innocent card? I don't recall you caring about my mental condition when I was traumatized because of you and that Tzuyu girl," Jimin crosses his arms and waits for an answer.

"You told me you were friends!" Jin looks disappointedly at Jungkook. Jimin got what he wanted. He changed the subject.
Really, him and Yoongi should learn to control themselves, Jimin thinks, as he remembers that he was literally grinding on the other male.

"I didn't know that being friends meant having sex on your own best friend's bed. Right, Kookie?" Jungkook blushes and Jin looks close to hitting him. Hoseok, of course, steps in and starts smiling.

"Guys, guys. It's okay. It's just a game, let's not take it too seriously. Let's just forget about what happened and spin the pen one more time, alright?" Everyone nods not wanting to see Jin unleash his rage. Jungkook gives Jimin a mad stare. He wasn't going to let him off the rook so soon.

Yoongi's eyes meet Jimin's for one second and he can tell that the other is worried. They shouldn't have exposed themselves like that. Their friends could figure out and that would be a secret that Jimin wouldn't like to explain. Specially because he didn't know what Yoongi was to him. Maybe they were only friends with benefits. Yoongi would probably never want to be his boyfriend, Jimin thinks sadly. Who would want to be his boyfriend anyways?

"Okay, Jungkook since you're young and you can't drink we will just give your drink to Jimin." Thinking it's fair, Jimin takes the younger's drink down in one shot.


After a few rounds Jimin can feel that he is getting dizzier by the second. He lays his head on Taehyung's lap and almost starts sleeping. His drunk self was sleepy and sad, again, the best combination.

Taehyung isn't doing so well too because he can feel the other starting to become giddier and crazier by the second, giggling at random stuff and combing Jimin's hair with his hand.

Jimin is dared one more time. However, this dare is a bit harder.

"Park Jimin, I officially dare you to dye your hair purple," Namjoon says and Jimin gets up, excited. He was looking forward to exchanging his hair color. This would be the perfect time for doing that.

It's 2 AM and they are actually going to the house of one of Namjoon's friends that owns a beauty shop. Him and Yoongi walk behind the rest of the group, so they wouldn't hear their conversation. All of them are a bit drunk, and he can tell that drunk Yoongi means clingy, turned on Yoongi.

"Jiminnnnn you're so beautiful Jimin. When I look at you I can only imagine that pretty mouth of yours kissing my entire body and some other parts in general," Yoongi raises his eyebrows and Jimin giggles. Jimin interlaces their fingers and smiles. This felt good. Them together, that felt good.

The others were too far ahead to even hear what the two of them were speaking of. Jimin kisses his sort of lover's cheek and grins.

"Yoongi hyung. I like you so much. You understand me, you cute grumpy man," Jimin's words are a bit slurred but nevertheless comprehensible. Yoongi smiles and gives Jimin a quick peck on the lips.

They see a huge neon sign and that's where Namjoon stops.

"My friend lives on the floor above the shop." Namjoon presses the buzzer and waits for his friend to come.

"SHINee?" Taehyung asks suspiciously while reading the neon sign.

"Yup. You better like it sis," the shop owner opens the door and smiles, startling Taehyung. "You better tip me twice as much only for making me dye someone's hair at this hour Namjoon. I'm only doing this because you said it's your friend's birthday..." the owner warns him before signaling for everyone to enter.

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