Chapter 2

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The day after, I went to school I saw a tall handsome sweet cute young man who came to our class I mean He Is more than perfect he had everything I wished in my dream guy ,he had blue eyes and a blond hair ,he has a good personality and a strong one he is so sweet and cute he is un imaginable, Akira was late and Akira's place was the only empty one so he sat next to me and he said "hi how are you? Sora right, nice to meet you"

"fine and you are right my name is Sora nice to meet you too " she said

Then he took of his hair from on his eyes and said "I wish that I am not troubling you "

"Don't worry, you are not troubling me " I said with a smile on my face

Then the teacher came and said "Good morning class, I want you to meet your new class mate Kuji, Kuji do you want to introduce yourself "

" Yes, I am Kuji, I am glad to be with you in the same class and I wish we all will be friends soon" he said

Then Akira came but she was late,she had no place to sit because Kuji sat in her place next to me, I was somehow happy by that I mean I am sitting next to my dream guy,  I wasn't concentrating with the teacher because I was totally under a spell, this section was Science after it we had  Mathematics. The hardest section ever but it was very very funny today, My day seems to be the best, then the break came , I went with Akira I told her that I liked this guy and I liked every single thing related to him. I started to be a fan girl I mean I was talking about him all the day, I was glad by the Idea that he is sitting next to me, I was talking about him and then that stupid guy Hero came, he started calling me names  ,I wasn't in a position which allows me to argue with him so I just ignored him, then he was very angry so I tried to hit me, just then The HERO came and saved me this Hero was Kuji he took hero's hand and broke it, he also said "Do not harm her she is my friend now "

"Thank you "I said

"you welcome " he said

I was very happy I mean he is perfect because:

First: he helped  me

Second : he said that we are friends

Third : he didn't shout because I wanted to say thank you
Fourth :his appearance and his body is more than perfect

Then he said "Do you want to hang out with me I am going to star bucks do you want to come "

"Can you give me time to think? "I asked

"yes sure "he replied "I am waiting your answer " then he went away

I told Akira about our conversation and then she said "I know that you are going to accept so why you asked him to give you time "

"I wanted to look shy and sweet ,so what do you think? " I said

"OK but what about Hikari she need some one to stay with " she asked

" Nooooooo,  I totally forgot her so I am going to refuse " I replied sadly

"OK ,Don't worry I will take care of her but you must not forget her again " she said

"thank you" I said "I really appreciate it "

Then the bell rang so I went to my class,  when I sat on my chair next to Kuji , he said "Did you take your final decision? "

"yes I am going with you " I said

"OK then be ready at five ,I am going to pick you up and go there " He said with a smile

"OK " I said

Then the teacher entered and explained the lesson I stopped talking and I tried to concentrate but I couldn't because I was thinking about slot of things like Kuji ,Akira, Hikari and Ayame ,I was happy  because Ayame didn't know anything about what happened I mean if he knew he is going to make foul of me, Then after the day has finished  I went to Hikari's school and then we went home Akira came with us home.

I got ready,  I wore my top shirt with a hot skirt, I wanted to look super cool because ,I wanted him to like me the same as I like him or even more , then Kuji called me he told me that he was waiting for me down, so I  went downstairs as quickly as I could ,then I went inside the car and then Kuji said "You look very beautiful more than any girl I had seen in my whole life "

"thank you " I said with a smile on my face

"you are shy,  your checks became red " he said and laughed then he drove the car we went to star bucks .

When we entered I saw Ayame there with some of his friends as it seems, I don't know, then we sat on a table, when the waiter came we ordered a cup of coffee and a cup of hot chocolate , we sat down and then Kuji said "I am glad because you accepted my offer so thank you "

" Your welcome " I said

" what do you want to talk about?"he said "I don't want to be quite specially with you "

"sorry what did you say? " I asked, actually I knew what he said

"nothing so what do you want to talk about? " he said

"Did you hear about a scary film named BLACK TRACK ?"I asked

"yes my friends told me about it but I didn't watch it "he said

"me too I didn't watch it but I am planning to " I said "it is in the cinema now by the way "

"OK " he said

We didn't say a word for five minutes and I saw Hikari and Akira , they are following me and that's not good at all  'I will show you both? 'I thought.

Then Ayame came to us and said "hi Kuji , it is a good chance to see you here "

Then Kuji stood up ,he hugged Ayame  and he said "hi Ayame, how are you? "

"fine "Ayame said "and you? "

"fine as usual "Kuji said "what are you doing here?"

"hanging out with some friends ,Do you want to come? " Ayame said

"no I am with her " Kuji said

"OK then nice to meet you both " Ayame said and blanched at me with one of his eyes and said " enjoy " then he went away

"I hate him " I said

"I know, I already know what happened between you and him on your first meet " Kuji said

I smiled and nodded my head to show agreement then he asked me "Do you want to leave? "

"yes I want to go back home please " I said

Then he asked about the bill and then we went we first went to my home and on our way I said "thank you for understanding me, I really appreciate it, thanks "

"your welcome " he said

Then we reached my home so I went directly to my room I changed my clothes and went to sleep I was very happy because Kuji knew what I am thinking about, he knew what is deep inside me before I had a chance to tell him about it. I didn't think of anyone or anything except Kuji.

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