Chapter 4

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The next day I went to school happily because I have no problems with anyone even Ayame and now we are friends when I reached the school,  I saw Kuji fighting with Ayame and as it looks like for me Ayame is the winner till this moment , I just stood there and watched them fighting it was very funny , I bursted out laughing then the both looked at me and said at the same time "what are you laughing?!?!"

"because you guys look so funny , I wanted to eat popcorn and see you fighting all the day it is going to be super fun ..." I said " why are you both fighting and you are best friends as I think, right "

"non of you business " Ayame said

"a long story " Kuji said

" So tell me about it "I said

Then Ayame looked at Kuji in a silly way but Kuji continued talking to me normally " I was walking normally then Ayame came to me and started calling me names I couldn't control myself so I started fighting with him "he replied

"Why did you do that? " I said

"I didn't do anything he is a layer......"Ayame said "don't lie Kuji this didn't happen except in you mind "

Then they started fighting again " stop it guys " I said

They continued fighting "STOP IT GUYS "I shouted

The stopped and then I said "you are friends right"

"right "they said

"So say sorry " I said

" Sorry " Kuji said

"never mind " Ayame said

" He didn't say sorry " Kuji said

" Ayame say sorry " I said

"sorry " Ayame said

"fine,  now hug each other " I said

"what, impossible " both said

"Guys " I said then they hugged each other "OK now don't fight again or you will see something you don't want to see OK "

"OK "  Kuji said

" Don't talk to me in that way " Ayame said

"what do you mean? " I said

" what you understood " Ayame said

Then the bell rang , Me and Akira went to our class, I sat next to her and I told her about what happened, she busted out laughing and said "how funny " then the teacher entered the class and explained the lesson after her sections was finished we had swimming section,  and this is the only section who my class and Chloe and Mirai class are going to have the section together , I went to the changing room and wore my swimming suit, I can't swim in the pool I am a very bad swimmer more than anyone so when the teacher asked me to swim I stayed next to Akira because she is a good swimmer I mean my opposite, and when Akira wanted to go to the bathroom and left me alone I tried to swim but I sank so I screamed "help me help me I am sinking rescue me please " then Ayame and Kuji came to me and saved my life then Ayame lifted me and put me on a chair next to the pool "thank you " I said

"your welcome " he said "by the way why are you acting like a strong girl and you even can't swim ?"

I didn't have any words to answer him with mean he is right then what Akira came I told her about what happened and she said " I wish what happened will be repeated in order to have the chance to watch it" then she sat next to me and we started our hot gossip "wow did you see this guy he has 6 ups "I said

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