Chapter 12

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The next day I didn't go to school today because I felt sick,  I sat at home and asked Akira to send Hikari to school and she agreed,  I sat at bed all the day till the bell rang I opened the door and I was surprised because I saw Ayame,  " Ayame what are you doing here?!?! " I asked

" sh, Come in " he said and put his hand on my mouth

" what?!?! " I asked

" I will tell you but not now come in first " he replied

" it is my house for your own knowledge " I said

" Can't you stay quiet " he said

I was shocked,  then he went inside and looked the door with the key, after he entered,  he said " Hi how are you?!?! "

" hi...what you must explain" I replied

" OK OK,  first I escaped from Chloe,  I came to see you but take care I think that she knows that I am here, I want you to tell me what happened yesterday?!?! I asked Chloe but she didn't answer me and I know that you won't lie on me " he asked

" you must leave me Ayame " I replied

" Why?!?! " he asked

" because I am a curse " I said and looked at the ground because I won't be able to look at him

" you are what?  Are you kidding me?!?!  Chloe is the one who told you that, right , I will show her but first ...... " he said and took me and we sat down on the sofa, hold my hand "...... Look! You are not a problem or a trouble or even a curse , you are Sora the love of my life,  the one who won the challenge over me yesterday "

I smiled then he continued " I admit it you won,  anyway I can't live without you and you must know that I really mean every word I said to you from the open mic night till now , and remember something even if you are a curse,  you are the best curse I had seen in my entire life and the best curse happened to me "

I smiled and said " I don't know why but I think that what you said is just to make me feel better right "

" yup " he said

I gave him a death look, " just kidding" he said and gave me a hug.

" I really missed you " I said

" me too "

Then the door bell rang , I was worried because I knew that the one was Chloe so I looked at Ayame and said " Go and hide in my room and I will open the door "

" OK " he said and ran upstairs

I knew that he can easily find my room because it was in front of the stairs and my name is on it,  anyway I opened the door to Chloe then she asked " Where is Ayame?!"

" I don't know he is your brother not mine and above all you forced my to cut my relationship with him or shall I remind you Chloe? " I said

" OK but remember if I knew that you didn't cut your relationship with him you won't like what will happen if I knew that you lied on me " she said

" Bye " I said then closed the door and ran upstairs to see the miss caused because of Ayame , I entered my room and I saw him sitting on my bed,  " hi what happened? "

" hi,  Chloe went "

" good,  I liked your room your photos on the wall,  the color of the room,  the arrangement of it everything is amazing specially your bed " he said

" my what ......? Go away from it " I said

" dreaming "

" I am not dreaming "

" so come and force me "

" what was I thinking about when I told him to go to my bedroom and hide there " I murmured to myself

" Did you say anything? "

" nope "

" so come and force me if you can "

I walked towards the bed and started to pull him just then he pulled towards him then through me on the bed and stood above me,  " Hi " I said

" hi how are you? "

" not OK "

" why ......?"

" I think that I better not to answer your question "

" why ...... ? Ah I understand it now "

" So get off me " I said

" no you must say please "

" get off me please "

" that's not enough"

" come on "

" you must say my love "

"come on "

" you must say it or ..............." he said and got his face closer to mine

'it seems as another ...... ' I thought

" I don't have to " I said and bit his arms

" ouch " he said "stop it you are not a dog "

" but I can bite you again "

" try it "

" OK " I said then tried to bite him again but this time he protected himself,  "Get off me if you are a man "

" I am but you are not the one who says if I am a man or not ...... " he said "...... And above all I told you how to open the lock "

"OK OK Get off me MY LOVE " I said

" well done the lock is opened " he said

I ran out of the room and he ran after me,  then all of sudden the door bell rang , " who is knocking on the door? " I asked

There was no answer,  I asked Ayame to go and hide and I will open the door,  when I opened it,  someone put something on my nose and I fainted,  he put me on the sofa, t I wasn't aware with what is happening,  till I felt someone's arm on my shoulder,  I opened my eyes and saw Chloe, " but what is happening now and why are you here in my house?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? " I asked

" I warned you about lying on me " she replied

" I am the one who forced her to lie,  if you like it or not,  I am not a doll in your hand Chloe , I allowed you to do whatever you want and you must do the same,  I like Sora,  if you like it or not,  I don't care " he said

" OK " she said

" What...? " Ayame said

" Surprise  " ChloeAkiraHikariHaru, MiraiNotori and Kuji said

" It all was an exam " Akira said

" and you both succeeded " Mirai and Chloe said

" I WILL SHOW YOU ALL,  I WILL FORCE YOU TO HATE THE MOMENT WHICH YOU PLANNED TO DO THIS EXAM IN,  I WILL SHOW YOU ,I WON'T FORGIVE YOU FOR DOING THIS " I shouted and ran after them,  I easily got Mirai but I ran very fast to chase Chloe and Akira,  specially Akira,  anyway I gave them a very hard lesson for his to respect me and never do anymore dumps on me again , I tried to avoid talking with Ayame because of what happened , my face goes red when I look at him,  we made a big party and had fun.

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