Chapter 25

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The next day, Sora went to the mall because she wanted to buy clothes, accessories, Make up and etc, she went there leaving me and the kids alone at home

After two hours, the door bell rang, I thought it was Sora, so I went quickly in order to open the door but I was surprised because I saw Naoko in front of me instead of Sora, " Hi " he said and waved his hand in front of me

" hi " I replied back trying to hide my surprise

He entered the house and then said " Akira, where is Sora?! "

" she went home, she is supposed to be on her way home, I guess " I said

" That's ashamed " he said

" why?! " I asked as he looked so sad and disappointed

" I wanted to show you a new place that I am totally sure that you will like it " he said

" really?!  Where?! " I asked

" no I won't tell you,  we can go in another time,  yeah it won't be as amazing as today but that's OK " he said

" Can we wait for Sora then go?! " I asked as I wanted to go,  I guess that I will like it,  I have a big curiosity about that place

" no we can't " he said sadly

" OK I can ask Chloe to stay with the kids till Sora comes back " I said

" that's good idea,  what are we waiting for?! Call her " he said as he gave me the phone

" OK I will call her while changing my clothes " I said

" OK " he said as he sat on the sofa

I ran to my room and started changing while calling Chloe,  when I asked her to come,  she said " OK but where are you going?! "

" I don't know" I said

" really?! So how come are you going to that place without knowing where it is ?! " she asked

" I am going with Naoko so don't worry " I said

" is it a date?! " she said

" somehow,  you can consider it as one " I said

" coming then " she said then closed the call

I finished changing then went down and told Naoko that she agreed, he looked surprised as he saw me,  " you look so pretty " he said

" thank you but I don't think that I am so pretty " I said

" trust me you are " he said

" thanks " I said then sat on the sofa next to him, then after ten minutes, the door bell rang and Chloe appeared,  she said " Hello "

" Hi " I said

" hi " Naoko said

" you guys can go now,  I am here " she said

I hugged her and gave her a kiss in the check then I went with Naoko to the place,  first we went to a cafe and we talked a lot,  then after a while we had out drinks , I drank it then I had the some of the drink above my lips,  Naoko laughed then came closer to me which made my heart skip so fast,  I heated up and I started to blush, he got a tissue paper and then remove the drink then he stayed closer to me after that then I said " Is th-there anymore?! "

" No... " he said "... I just liked the feeling of being beside you,  you are more beautiful,  and you are the most beautiful girl in the world when you blush "

I blushed even harder,  but I liked his words and his treatment actually, anyway after a while he went back to his seat as the waitress came closer to us and then she removed the two cups,  after that Naoko asked for the bill then I asked him " Are you going to go home now?! "

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