Chapter 7

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The next day when Hikari woke up,  Headmistress asked about what happened and she replied by saying " I was walking alone as usual then I saw two girls and three boys coming to me they hit me till I fainted and I heard them saying that they did that because I told the headmistress about them"

"who are they? " Headmistress asked

" I knew only two of them the first was Hanna and the second was Suzumi  they planned with the rest of the kids " Hikari said

I was listening to their conversation and Akira was with me after they finished the headmistress came to us and said " she and Hanna are enemies for a long time,  Hanna is the one who broke her phone  and don't worry I will take Hikari's revenge "

"I don't want you to take her revenge I will take it myself  I don't need your help " I said

"Sorry " she said

Then I went with Akira to the nearest police office then I put them all in Person for one week then I went to Hikari at the hospital,  I didn't go to school today because I wanted to stay with Hikari because she needs me anyway I asked Akira to go to school and to take my old home works with her and she did so , Anyway after Akira went by what seems for half an hour,  Ayame came to the hospital,he said " hi how is Hikari now? "

" Yeah she is OK thanks for asking " I said,  ' what is he doing here and why isn't he at school now ' I wondered ' Is it related to yesterday questions ' .

"And you Sora ? Are you OK now? " he asked

" yeah I am fine thank you for asking " I replied

Then we both didn't say a word for more than five minutes it was silence and he broke it by saying " so when are you going back to school?"

" After one week,  And you why didn't you go to school today,  yesterday you was sad because of that? " I asked

"yeah I woke up late, I mean my alarm rang but I didn't hear it and Chloe didn't wake me up because she was sleeping at Mirai's house " he said

I smiled and said " so another day without going to school "

"yeah that's good " he said

"of course it is I mean no boring section or math section that's more than good " I said

Then I went in to see Hikari and he came with me when he saw her he said " you look better than yesterday that's good are you OK now? "

" yes thanks " Hikari said

" You know my cousin wanted to come with me in order to see you but I forced him to go to school but first we made a deal "he said

" What is that deal?!?! " she asked

" The deal was that I am going to ask you if you want him to come and visit you we will do so, and if you don't want him to come he won't come " he said

" Yeah I want him to come " Hikari said

" OK then after school " he said

" OK but remember that that's not a request it is an order OK " she said

" OK little bossy girl " he said

Then he came to me and said " I wish our deal didn't bother you "

" no don't worry " I said and smiled a fake smile of course what I said was a lie I mean a little girl who has 10 years old,  has a crush and by what he is doing it is getting stronger and that's not good for me.

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