Chapter 9

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The next day I was thinking about Ayame and Kuji and I thought also about Mirai's words and her advice , I mean maybe she is right, anyway I woke up early this morning because I didn't sleep all night, I went to school and when I entered, I saw Ayato, he came to me and said " wow I didn't see anyone who is afraid of me like you girl and my evidence is that you didn't come to school "

" I am not afraid of you and by the way I was absent because I was at the hospital and I think that you won't understand that I mean how such a monster like you will understand that " I said " by the way I hate the way you are talking with me in so you must change it that's better for you and don't underestimate my power or what I am going to do OK "

" I am wondering why I am talking to such an insect like you " he said

" Do whatever you want but don't say that I didn't warn you OK " I said

He looked serious and said "we will see who will say that "

" you of course " I replied

He became angry and tried to hit me but the super hero came and saved me from him I mean Ayame, he came and stopped him by saying " stop you are decreasing your position as a man in everyone's eyes so stop it better for you "

Then he stopped and said " next time " then he went, I was very happy because I won this battle because he went before we finish our conversation, anyway after he went Ayame came and said " Your welcome "

" sorry thank you " I said

" remember this is the second time " he said " you owe me by two now "

" What the ... ? Anyway what do you want? " I asked

" I will tell you at the suitable time " he replied

" OK " I said then we both went to Keny and Chloe who were standing at the end of the corridor, we went and I started embarrassing Keny in front of Chloe and showing the truth but in an indirect way, " hi both of you " I said

" hi how are you? "they said

" fine as usual" I said " by the way Keny " I looked at Ayame before saying the rest " So how is your writing and singing "

He looked surprised and said "  how do you know? "

" I am you ex girlfriend and you used to sing for me and play on your guitar as well Did you forget that easy in London "

" what remind you, I mean four days ago you didn't remember me " he said

" Tomorrow is the open mic night at the cafe , why won't you go with Chloe? " I replied

"OK why not?  But what about you you used to go to the open mic night every month as I remember and the audience used to stand up and clap their hands for you right " he said

" Yeah but when I came here I stopped,  I mean in LondonNev used to help me in writing and singing and some times he used to with me and that's what makes me sing " I said

" Yeah as I remember you used to like Nev a lot " he said

My face became red and wished that Ayame didn't hear the last part of  his words,  anyway I said " Anyway I didn't prepare anything to sing or a partner to go with "

" Ayame can go with you " Keny said and looked to Ayame " Do you have any problem Ayame? "

" Ayame impossible " I said

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