Chapter 15

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The next day I was SATURDAY,  so I used this chance to do my plan,  first I went to Ayame's house and waited for Akira to come,  then we tied Chloe up and took her a photo like that and send it to Kuji's number on the What's up app and to make it more sense , we used a private number to send it band this number was Akira's and we asked him to come to a secret place with what seems for 1000000000$ dollar ( which I am going to take it all but Akira and Ayame won't accept that easy but I will try my best at least with Ayame) and we warned him from calling the police,  and to make it more safer,  I called the police station and told them about my plan and I asked them for help and we will hoe them money over it which was 200000$ I am so sad my money is gone😢 , anyway I made the plan and everything is ready,  I feel guilty somehow because we are going to much in her life and above all we are going to take the money,  maybe I will leave it , I don't know, anyway after an hour of sending this message we found a reply and it is saying " I am coming with the money but Chloe must be OK"

" deal " we wrote

Then we found a person coming so we all put our masks but suddenly he vanished,  I ran to Chloe and I found him trying to let her free, " stop " I said  and got out my knife ( which I am always carrying secretly outside my home)  then I heard a voice coming,  I knew it was Ayame,  I was worried about his reaction when he knows that I am holding a knife, two knives all the day,  he came and he was so surprised but he hided it because we are acting right now and that's normal in kidnappers life,  anyway after Kuji didn't listen to me I took off the other one and sit it closer to him,  he hold up his hand put he hit my hand with his leg and the knife fell on the ground and he hold it and started to warn my to put my hand at air but I refused and kicked him in his stomach and then put the knife in front of his neck,  '' that's happen when you don't listen to me?!?! " I said in an evil sound and tied Kuji up and hided a camera without his knowledge , then went to Ayame and Akira,  they were surprised and Ayame seemed sad and disappointed,  " sorry but it is my habit to have a knife in my pocket "

" really  two?!?! "

" sorry "

" why didn't you tell me?!?!  Don't you trust me"

" actually I was afraid to lose you " I said

He looked at me with this look which make me weak in the knee and he hugged me and I hugged him back , anyway I watched Kuji in the camera without his knowledge , I watched him while waking up and he took the knife ( which I left it for him) and he cut the ropes and untied himself then he went to Chloe and untied her then she woke up and they escaped together and on their way,  Chloe asked Kuji " why is he helping her ?!?!?!?!"

" because I care about you "

Chloe blushed and didn't say a word

" Actually I like you , I really mean it,  Chloe I love you "

Chloe's face became as red as a tomato,  I was really happy for her she found the one who really cares about her and likes her as well , she is so lucky,  " LOVE YOU TOO " she said , then they kissed each other, " Now let's take the money which Kuji left and go home " I said

" I think that you made all of that to get money easily " Ayame said

I blushed and said " stop embarrassing me at last it succeeded and that what you wanted "

He laughed and then I went home and Akira went to her house and I started studying hard for the midterms next week,  the rest of day was really boring and I planned for my studying schedule for the week till the end of the exams but I couldn't study well that day because I someone who is always texting me who was Akira till I was board so I left the study and started chatting with her and Ayame that was much funnier than studying then I noticed that it is 11:00 pm so I went to sleep,  hoping to study tomorrow with out interrupts but I knew that it was a very far dream to become true.

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