Chapter 17

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The next day,  I woke up and found Hikari beside me,  actually above me is more suitable for this situation,  she was jumping up and down on me and saying " Wake up,  Wake up lazy pants,  we need to go to school "

" Why are you that excited to go to school?! As I know you hate schools and classes, what is the secret behind that change?!?! " I said

She blushed and said  " non of your business,  I want to go to school now,  so wake up,  I can't wait for you "

" OK OK I will take five to wear my clothes but remember you will have a cold water wake up tomorrow it is a promise "

" OK waiting for you outside,  hurry up "

I wore my uniform and ate the breakfast which Hikari made it was very delicious , then we went to school

I dropped Hikari at her school and then I walked to mine,  I entered the school and went to AkiraChloe and Mirai,  we talked a lot about the time we had together and about the exams this conversation was as a flashback of our first meeting, after talking with them for quarter of an hour,  the bell rang,  I was really sad I mean I hate the sections because it is so boring,  I enjoyed talking with my friends and the time ran very quickly , anyway I was chatting with Ayame who was sitting next to me because Akira changed places with him because she wanted to stay in the third line not the last one , anyway I chatted with Ayame about the new guy in our class Ran Maro , actually I hated the way he introduced himself in,  he is so so so so stupid,  mean, ugly,  fat, dirty, evil ,the most disgusting play boy I have ever seen in my entire life and above all he introduced himself as if he was something he said " Hi I am Ran Maro, the most attractive guy in the whole world,  I don't look at ugly girls just pretty ones so if it happened and I looked at you one day so that means that you are very very pretty my lady ,  I promise you that I will steal your heart and mind as well and you can't stop me "

I shot him a dirty look and he replied by a flying kiss,  I HATE IT,  I HATE HIM, anyway after that the teacher asked him to go and sit in any empty place there were three empty places one beside me and the other beside Akira and the last one was beside Atsomi , I hoped that he won't sit beside Akira,  I mean he won't sit beside Atsomi because she is somehow ugly and of course not me , but Akira is a beautiful lady with pink eyes and pink hair and white skin and red cheeks, she is perfect,  so I prayed that he won't sit beside Akira but of course not in a loud voice,  and of course he won't sit beside me because I shot him a dirty look at least this is my very simple wish , he came to my desk and sat next to me in the last line in the whole class, he came to me and said " I sat beside you beautiful you must be glad and please stop shooting me dirty looks beautiful "

" what ?!?! glad I must be a shame " this is what I was going to say but before I had the chance to,  I heard a voice saying " Don't dare talk to her or you will have a good beat and if you want you can take it now " the voice was coming from Ayame,  I was really happy actually I couldn't hide my smile,  then the teacher said " AYAME DAKEN,  RAN MARO THIS IS YOUR FIRST AND LAST WARNING,  IF YOU FIGHT WITH EACH OTHER AGAIN I WILL SHOOT YOU OUT OF MY CLASS FOR THE WHOLE TERM,  THIS IS A LEARNING PLACE NOT A FIGHTING ONE "

then I sent a paper for Ayame thanking him then he send it back to me after writing " Your welcome ,  anything for you babe "

I blushed after reading the message and I hided my face with a book because I didn't want anyone to see it specially the TEACHER AND RAN MARO,  then I wrote " so what do you think about that elephant who is sitting beside me ?!?!"

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