Chapter 3

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The day after I went to school late when I entered the teacher said " WHY ARE YOU LATE AOZORA ?"

"non of your business " I murmured to myself

" WHAT DID YOU SAY?" she said

"nothing "I said

"Go to your place" she said

Then I did so , I sat next to Kuji in front of Akira the same as the day before, as soon as I sat, Kuji said "Hello Sora, I wish you had nice dreams,"

"hi " I said "yes I had good dreams and I wish you too "

"yes, Thanks again for coming with me and I wish that what happened didn't make you angry "

"your welcome and don't worry it didn't bother me " I said 'fine he didn't know that I really wanted to go because of Akira and Hikari , mother more nor less, and Ayame didn't bother me I mean he can't' I thought

"so that's good " He said

Then the teacher suddenly came in front of me and said "AOZORA WHAT DID I JUST SAY? "

"you are explaining a new lesson right " I said

" So explain it for me if you can " she said

"no I can't and you know that I mean it is so difficult specially that I didn't listen to a word from what you said " I said angrily

"GO OUT OF MY CLASS " she shouted

"I am going just don't shout " I said

I stood there for 180 minutes which equals 2 sections, I felt that my legs is hurting me, Anyway after I stood there for 10 minutes, Ayame came the teacher expelled him from the class. When he came out he bursted out laughing " Why are you laughing?!?!?!?!" I asked

"when the teacher went to sit on her chair, I pulled it so she felt on the ground ......"he said while laughing "......that's why I am standing here with you "

I busted out laughing when he told me about the teacher and said "that's funny, I wish that I watched it "

Then we both didn't say a word for what seems for 2 minutes then he said " I can't stay like that with out talking ,I need to talk "

" About what ......" I asked

"anything " he said

" So can I ask you a question? " I asked

"yes sure "he replied

I couldn't understand anything he was talking to me in a normal way " So why did you shout at me in our first meeting? " I asked

" I was not in my normal mood, I was very angry because I heard bad news, anyway sorry for that, friends " he said

I was totally surprised, I expected him to shout then I said "friends "

" Hi, my name is Ayame Daken

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