Chapter 24

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After that I continued crying but I felt a warm hug which made me feel better,  anyway after a while the don't entered again and said " hope you are OK now miss"

I nodded while drying my tears,  then the doctor asked Sora for word then she went out but I can easily hear what they are saying,  the doctor said " Miss Aozora, her condition is getting better she can go home but you must take a great care of her,  she must stay happy as being sad can affect her way of accepting the medicine, her mood must be good all the time and you mustn't put an pressure on her in order to remember anything or it will affect negatively "

" Yes doctor but can we take her home?!?! " she said

" yeah but she must relax" he said

" thanks doctor " she said then they went to a place where I can't hear them , anyway after Sora got out everyone except Ayame came in,  anyway after a while Sora and Ayame got in together,  then Sora said " I have good news for you Akira "

" what?!? " I said curiously

" you are going home " she said happily,  I was surprised ( pretended to be surprised)  then she said " OK prepare yourself and I will prepare everything and then go home "

" She can't go to her home alone, right?" Naoko asked

" I know she is coming to my house with her brother and sister,  I will take care of them " Sora said

" of course,  She is not going to school,  we must make a schedule who will stay with her " Chloe said and Mirai nodded her head quickly

" No, I will stay with her all the days but Chloe you will help me,  you will torture me in the lessons " Sora said

" are you making a favor because you love her or because you wanna skip school " Ayame chuckled

" Can I say both?!?! " she said as she hit him with her elbow in his stomach

Everyone laughed,  then Naoko said " I guess Ayame just read your mind , Sora,  anyone who knows you?!  He will know that Sora will stick in any chance which means that she won't go to school,  this is Sora "

Sora shouted him a death look and then everyone laughed including Ayame who brush out laughing,  " I guess you can keep your own thoughts for yourself " she said

" but he is right , Sora " Ayame who is still laughing said

" Two against one is not a manhood,  you both are insulting your manless by arguing with me " Sora said

It was silence then Sora looked at me and said " I guess papers is done,  we can go now to my house,  Are you ready Akira?!? ", I nodded then we went to Ayame's car and he drove us home,  when I entered the house,  I saw two young children running to me and hugging me,  I felt an amazing feeling but unfortunately I couldn't remember those kids,  I was about to ask them who are they?!  But Sora stopped me before I can say a word,  she said " Sakura and Haruka,  I guess we better leave her to rest she is tired " , then a girl who seemed to be 12 or 13 years old came from behind the two young children ,  Sora nodded to her,  then she came and took the kids to their rooms and then she sat on the sofa in the living room , then she said " Come on sit down,  don't be shy it is your home now " , I sat down then she said " I know that you are asking yourself who are they,  right?! ".

" yes ..." I said"... Can you tell me please?! "

" sure,..."she said " ...they are your brother and sister Sakura and Haruka, I guess that we better hide the truth that you didn't remember them,  because they will be sad and disappointed, you are their family ,you know  "

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