Chapter 18

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The next day, I woke up early but I didn't stop thinking about that nightmare,  anyway I went to a mall in order to buy clothes for me and Hikari and their I met the stupid guy Ran Maro that dirty,  unclean donkey actually elephant suits him not than a donkey,  actually it would be a very bad insult for the donkeys and the elephants to consider him as a one of them , he came to me and said " Can I have a kiss,  beautiful?!?! "

" stop day dreaming,  I don't have any interest in you,  go to hill " I said

" I don't care,  I would like you even if you hate it my beautiful " he said

" I am not yours,  stupid " I said

He put his hand on his chest and acted like he didn't hear me or more suitable MISS UNDERSTANDING , he said " I accept it from you,  my dear "

" Ah " I said  and moved forward trying to ignore him my best

" Stop it I am talking to you " he said

" and I am trying to ignore you,  can't you understand " I said will looking at Ran and moving forward without looking in front of me , then Ran ran to me and grabbed my waist and whispered in my ear " it is a chance,  I won't lose,  you are alone without your friends and Ayame,  even your sister is no with you , by the way you can't escape from me OK "

I tried to remove him from me, after that I felt that Ran is going away from me and someone is holding him away from me,  then I stood up and saw Ayame,  I ran to him and hugged him , I was so happy to see him here,  anyway he gave him a good beat,  I was so happy for that , then I had the best day ever,  we went out,  he helped me in the shopping, I  bought a lovely red dress, a T-shirt and a skirt , and for Hikari I bought a jeans hot short and a T-shirt,  anyway after helping me in the shopping,  Ayame drove me home when I went there,  it was around 2:15 pm,  I waited for the school day to end then I called my bestie or even more Akira,  I wanted to tell her about what happened and invite her on to my house in order to talk,  when she came , we had lunch together , then I started telling her about what happened,  but I felt that she had no interest in my words,  I felt that she wasn't listening to me and when I asked her what's up she was somehow confused,  I felt that she is hiding something from me,  she said " what?!?! Um.. I was deep in thoughts , actually Sora I need to go now see ya bye " , then she went to her home,  I was somehow worried , ' Did I say or do anything wrong?!  I mean she always tells me about what is happening ' , I texted her to ask but she replied by saying " no no don't worry,  you didn't do anything wrong "

I relaxed but I was worried , actually Akira is not from the hiding type , ' Why is she acting like a?!?!  She is acting weirdly ' I asked myself but I didn't had an answer.

( we are at the end of Sora's love story with Ayame,  now we have another important story to start Akira's love story and why is she acting weirdly , all of this things we are going to read in the next chapter and thanks for reading my story)

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