A/N ( Author Note )

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Hey guys, we finished the story till the end of the story,  before I say goodbye,  I want to thank everyone read,  voted and shared my story,  I am so happy with that,  thanks

And thanks for those who added my story to their reading lists.

And my special thanks for :

1. Ara14Chan for voting for my story, thanks a lot my sister and thanks for encouraging me to write more

2. 23hikari-Aozora31 who helped me a lot and voted for my story and kept giving me hope

3. Last but not least 8AmyAiko8 I don't know where to start she helped me in writing,  she helped me with the characters, and she gave me confidence to write more and she made me so happy, she made a lot of things for me and helped me in the ideas, AMD she forced me to write when I was so disappointed and out of ideas, thank honey for all what you did .

And finally thanks for everyone who read this story till the end and voted for it,  Thank you all,  Love you all.

Bye bye 👋 👋

See you in another story

I have another stories, follow me to know about my new stories and updates and thanks once again

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