Chapter 19

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Hello guys I am Akira Aki, I am gonna be with you for the rest of the story hope you enjoy,  I will talk about my love story and how it begins :

When I was three years old I went to school and their I met my first best friend Sora Aozora,  after two years of friendship , she was forced to go to London and leave me alone because her parents had a chance of a better work their,  so they travelled and from this moment my pain began,  after Sora's emergency travel,  I was alone totally alone without any friends,  then one day a new student came to my class named Haiah,  she was so cheerful and a happy person,  then things started to change she used to leave me alone in the break and go and play with her friends, I used to cry and then Haiah came to me and said " haha you are crying like a baby haha " she laughed at me with her new friends , I was heart broken and hurted,  then in that day a boy who was on my age came to me and said " Do you want to play with me?!?! Please don't refuse because you looked lonely without any friends as I saw your friend laughing at you when you cried , she is not a good friend,  anyway I am Ayato and you Akira right ?!?! "

I nodded quickly and accepted his offer,  then we played together all the break and while playing with him I saw Haiah looking at me in an evil way and giving me death looks , I ignored her,  I already had a new friend, In that day I went to my mum,  I saw her talking to Haiah's mother , her mother was telling my mum that my behavior and my attitude with Haiah is unacceptable I knew that Haiah told her the things that happened but in the opposite way,  I was forced to be her friend again , on my way home I told mum with the whole truth and she believed me but she warned me about losing friends,  a child who had five years old won't understand anything from my mother words but I just obeyed her as a good kid , the next day I went to school, I sat beside my two friends,  I introduced Haiah to Ayato and vise versa , we played together in the break and I was happy again.

Time skip
Two years later

Ayato went to Australia and left me alone with Haiah but before, I knew that I liked Ayato so much even more than myself,  so I went bravely to him and confessed my love,  till this day I remember his response '" Sorry but I like Haiah " this response hurted me and left me heart broken without any friends,  I mean Haiah started leaving me alone for her new friends , I used to follow her as her shadow and to be more exact as her slave, and she played her game correctly,  she started using me and forcing me to do many things as playing tennis with her as a sport with out my acceptance and forcing me to buy her dolls without any reason or a special day,  I stoke myself with her because she was my only friend

Time skip
Nine years later

I am now at the first secondary I am now free from Haiah and her problems,  now I had two new friends Chloe and Mirai,  after one week of school,  I met my old best friend Sora,  actually she changed a lot,  in the past she was so cute,  sweet , always had good grades and shy,  now she is load,  crazy , bad grades,  cheating and chatting in class , more importantly always having problems with anyone in the school , but she still the best friend I had even with that change,  I introduced her to Mirai and Chloe and they became friends , I was so happy then problems started falling on our heads, but we won over them and Sora got her first kiss and a new boyfriend who was Ayame Daken,  and Chloe with Kuji and Mirai with Notori Yona , the three of them got their first kiss except me,  I don't know but my heart still likes Ayato a lot , that stupid and idiot who liked Haiah,  anyway after one month Ayato came to my school and he was at my class,  I told Sora everything about him,  she wanted hard to kill him and she started taking my revenge,  I wasn't happy with that but she seemed do excited so I let her do whatever she wants , then after one week, someone told me that Haiah told Ayato about me so I prepared myself to face him , then the day after I was sitting in the cafeteria with Sora then he came to me and asked for a private talk , I expected this move from him,  I controlled my feelings and asked Sora to go then he said with a feeling less voice " you are Akira Aki right "

" yeah do you have any problem in that?!?! " I said with confidence

" stay away from Haiah,  I said it before and I will repeat it again I like Haiah and if you really like me as you said before you better leave her your problem is with me not her " he said

" I nodded slowly and said " first you have two or three mistakes in your sentence "I said

He opened his mouth to talk but I stopped him by saying " I don't allow you to talk while I am talking understand " , I was very angry and hurted but my feelings was as a volcano eruption , then I continued talking by saying " first I don't like you even if I like you this was in the past and I came over you,  second mistake my problem is with Haiah not you,  I guess that you know that before now,  our problems are uncountable and you won't stop our problems so stay away from it for your own safety because I won't care who you are , I warned you,  and you are free to do whatever you want but don't blame anyone for your own mistake " , then I went and then came back and said " don't forget to warn Haiah instead of me , because I am busy and don't have any time for her "

I could see him nervous and angry, anyway I was somehow happy because I won over him,  but I was so sad,  actually my heart was so sad,  anyway after that I knew that things is not gonna move in peace

Author note
Thanks guys for reading this story hope you enjoy

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