Chapter 5

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The next day I went to school but I knew that I am going to be alone without my friends,  I entered the class and sat next to Akira and asked her about Chloe and she said " it seems to me that Chloe is in LOVE with Keny and that's not good for your friendship "

I was sad to hear that, then the teacher entered the class and said "good morning class I would like to introduce your new class mate Ayato .Do you want to introduce yourself? "

"No, thanks "he said with a low voice which I did not hear but I expected it.

This new guy looks handsome but not friendly as I think,  then I looked at Akira she was surprised,  "Do you know him Akira?!?! "I asked

"yes, he is the same guy I told you about"she said

"I s this him?!?! " I asked.

"yeah " she said

"OK then go and says hello or how are you? Or anything,  I mean why are you acting like a stranger? " I asked

" I will answer all this question but wait for a moment and stop asking OK " she said

"OK " I said

"I told you that he travelled with his family yeah but this is not the whole truth,  I mean something happened before he travelled, when I knew that he will travel I went to him and we talked but finally I told him about my feelings for him and that I love him but he said " sorry I love Haiah that's why I wanted to be your friend " I was heart broken I could not control my tears but I soon become brave and forgot all my feelings towards him , then I became the girl who killed her heart from this moment, then I started acting as nothing happened and had a lot of relationships and my life didn't stop at this moment " she said

"HOW DARE HIM?!?!?!?!?!" I said angrily and at this moment I was planning for his death.

Then the teacher asked Ayato to go and sit behind us, so I put my chair on his way and when he asked me to move it,  I said "I don't have to you can take the other way."

"You won't like what will happen if you didn't remove the chair " he warned

"I don't think so and I am not going to remove the chair if you like it or not and this is my final decision, OK "I said

"we will see " he said

Then I looked at Akira and said "Don't worry your right will be back I promise but I need your help are you with me "

"yes of course but we need a plan " Akira said 

"I have one but all I need from you now is to stay with Chloe all the break so your friendship with her won't be bad OK and if he came to you ignore him OK "I said

"what about you,  I'm going to do the first step of my plan " I said

Then the break came and Akira did what I asked her to , while I was walking alone that stupid Ayato came to me and said " We didn't finish our conversation yeah "

"yes you are Right let's finish it now "I said

"then are you sure of what you did and said " he asked

"yes of course " I said

"Then as I told you you won't be happy with what is going to happen I promise " he said

"all of what you are saying doesn't bother me,  IDIOT "I said

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!?! "he shouted angrily

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