Chapter 21

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I went to the place we arranged to go, when I reached the place Ayato said " Hello,  Can I have a talk with you?! "

" Yes but quickly, I don't have time " I said emotionless

" I want to talk about Haiah " he said

" Mr. Ayato,  you said that no talk about Haiah and you are saying the opposite now " I said

" I am going to talk to you as a friend,  to be honest with you I am her EX NOW " he said

" sorry for that " I said

" no I am the one who ended it and I am happy by that but I needed to talk to you " he said

" OK, talk " I said 

We had a very long and nice talk but the best thing that I was with him maybe as a friend only but that was better than as an enemy,  anyway this conversation made me sure of one thing only I REALLY LIKE AYATO AND THAT I AM FALLING FOR HIM
Specially after talking to me I know that I like him even before our conversation but my feelings weren't so strong as now,  I must tell Sora when I go home,  anyway after that I went to Sora's home and told her everything,  she shouted me a stupid look which means WTF,  when I asked her why?!  , she said " If Haiah knew that you still like him , she will come back to him and started apologizing and he will accept it because he still has feelings for her,  so you must hide your feelings or kill them for a period of time, but there is something positive of what you did "

" see what is it?!?! " I asked

" that he will start looking at you as a friend and you must use that because it will help us in killing his feelings towards Haiah,  you are not so stupid in these things after all " she said,  it is the first time I can see Sora so serious about something but she is right somehow,  I mean I AM NOT STUPID AT ALL, OK.

After that we studied together,  I explained her some lessons because she did not come to school then I went home and started thinking about Ayato and Sora's words,  Can she be right?! , then I went to sleep,  after half an hour I heard a noise coming from Haruka's and Sakura's room,  I ran quickly to them as fast as I could , the I opened the door and found three children playing in the room instead of two,  I was so surprised to see Hikari,  I went to her and asked her" what is she doing here?! "

" I escaped from Sora because she doesn't want me to call Haru,  and she is talking with Ayame all the time, Is that fair ?!?!" she replied

I laughed out loud at that,  I knew that her story is right, because this is really Sora, " No that's not fair " I said

Then I saw Haruka and Sakura beside my legs begging me to let her stay with us for today,  " please please let her stay " both of them said ,and made that cute face which makes me agree on anything " OK OK but Sora must know "

" OK " Hikari said

Then I went to my room and phoned Sora and told her,  she said " OK but I will show Hikari when she comes home "

I laughed and then I closed the phone call but I couldn't sleep all night because of the noise and when they went to sleep I couldn't sleep thinking about Ayato and Sora's words .

The next day I went to school,  I sat in my place in the class,  then Ayato came and asked me if he can sit in Sora's place,  I nodded and smiled,  then he sat next to me,  we talked to each other a lot , I like it,  I noticed that Haiah was looking at us all the time,  which made me feel that the past is repeating the same thing,  I am scared to be the one with the broken heart again , while thinking the teacher entered the room and said " Good morning everyone,  Can you get out your Homework please ?!"

I looked in my bag and I didn't find my homework , " shit " I murmured to myself,  but I guess that Ayato heard me so he said " you forgot it,  right "

" yeah,  you ?!" I said

" I didn't do it " he replied

" really?!" I asked

" I didn't do any homework from the beginning of the term " he said

" and what did the teacher do?! " I asked

" nothing,  she will send you to the destination and that's it " he answered

" that is not that bad as I expected and it is so easy " I said

" see now stand up " he said , then he stood up ,I did so then the teacher came near us and said " Mr. Minori,  it is not your first time so you are going to go to the destination for four hours,  and miss Aki it is your first time so you will go for one hour only,  now sit down and come get after school "

I nodded then sit down then Ayato said" see I told you,  I guess that you have a lot to learn from your friend "

I laughed and he laughed then we continued the rest of the day chatting and talking,  I can't stop my heart from liking him, that's hard , anyway I walked with him in the break till Haiah came and started acting as the innocent girl,  Ayato ignored her and that was a good thing, then he started looking at her with the corner of his eyes , she started using that and tried to make him jealous,  he was strong at first,  then he started getting week and I tried not to take part in that till he asks me to, and I tried to make him stronger,  and I succeeded , the rest of the day wasn't too exciting,  Haiah was trying to get Ayato back and he is refusing and that's it, the rest of the day was boring specially the destination, when I went home,  I called Sora and told her,  I was about to cry but I controlled my tears very well,  I put a fake smile and faced Haruka and Sakura with it, then I studied for a while then went to sleep.

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